“green, but paler than the back : lower part of the belly, and vent,,
red brown: under part of the wings and tail yellowilh green j
the laft much cuneated ; the upper part of the body, wings, and
tail, of a dark green: quills blue, bordered with green, and tipped
with brawn on the outer fide.'
Inhabits Cayenne and Guiana. The natives of the laft call it
Makavouanne. It is faid to be a bird of paftage, and to frequent
the moift favannas, like other Maccaws, living like them on the
fruits of the palm. It pronounces the-word:gra pretty diftinct,
but in a more lliarp tone of voice. - .
Ara noir, Buf. oif. vol. vi. Z02.
Araruna ou Machao, De Laet Defer. -des-Ind. or. p. 490.
£>UFFONdeferibes this bird from probable hearfay, as a fpe-
cies well known to the inhabitants of Guiana; and fays, that
the plumage is black, but fo blended with green, that in the fun
it has a moft, Iplendid appearance : the bill and eyes reddilh : and
the legs yellow.
Mannïrs. It differs from the other Maccaws, in that it never approaches
near habitations, keeping on the tops of dry and barren mountains
and rocks, and in the inland parts.
Piittacus obfeurus, Lin. Syji. p. 140. 4.
1 Haffelq. Jtin. p. 236. 18.
g I Z E of a Jay. Bill black ; feathers furrounding the bafe of it
alfo black, rough, and befet with hairs : ipace round the eyes
white : irides yellow : crown variegated with cinereous and
Mack : upper parts of the neck and wings black : belly and
thighs cinereous, with tranfverfe hoary lines: tubercles of the
kgs black; claws the fame, crooked, and blunt: tail wholly of
an afh-colour, cuneiform.
Inhabits Africa. The only one who has deferibed this bird is
llaffelquift, from whom Linnaus had his account. As to that
which Linnaus refers to in Brijfon, it is quite a different lpecies;
and he mentions it-as fuch in his laftMantiffa, 1771, p. .524.
JPl a c b .
Bfittacus nobilis, Lin. Syji. p. 140. N° 5,
— ■ ■ ■ nobilis, Muf, Adolp. F.r, 2. p. 13.
T IN N ALUS quotes here many others, but all of them corre-
Ipond with the Parrot of Amazon’s, and varieties, fo cannot
be meant as deferiptive of that in the Muf. Adolphi, of which the
following is a copy..
Size jof a Turtle. Face naked and^ white: the body wholly of
a green colour: bend of the wing fcarlet: quills green : tail
green likewife, and wedge-lhaped.
D e s c r i p t io n ;
Inhabits Surinam; LinnausSays Afia.. P l A€ e ,