D e s c r i p t io n .
Le Kakatoes noir, Buf. oij\ vi. p. 97.
Great black Cockatoo, Edw. glean, pi. 316.
J F we may judge by the fize of the head which accompanies the
drawing of this bird in Edwards, it mull: at leaft be of the fize
of the red and blue Maccaw, if not bigger. The general colour
is black, with a large crelt on the head, of a colour fomewhat
more pale than the reft of the plumage : the bill is dulky brown :
the eye dark : fide of the head, from the eyes to the under mandible,
bare of feathers, wrinkled, and of a red colour: the legs
brown black.
This was taken from a drawing done by order of Governor
Loten at Ceylon.
In Parkinfon’s voyage * are mentioned black Cockatoos of a large-
fize, having white fpots between the beak and ear, as well as on
each wing, and fcarlet and orange-coloured feathers on their
Thefe were met with on the coaft of New Holland, in the
South Seas.
Pfittacus erythroleucus, Lin. Syjt. i. p. 144. N° 23.
Le Kakatoes a ailes & queue rofiges, Brif. orn. iv. p. 214. N° 12*
■------------- Buf. oif. vi. p. 96.
Pfittacus erythroleucos Aldrovandi, Raii Syn. p. 31. N° 8.
Red and white Parrot of Aldrovandus, Will, orn. p, 114. N° 8.
Q IZE of a large Fowl: length feventeen inches.: Bill black
head, throat, neck, back, fides, thighs, fcapulars, and upper
* P. 144. See alio Hauskfuj. Voy, vol. ii. p. 18. '5 and
and lower wing coverts, of a dirty white, or pale alh-colour: the
lower part of the back, rump, upper and lower tail coverts,
quills, and tail, are vermilion: the legs are blackilh: claws
Where it inhabits unknown.
Piittacus eritjiacus, Lin. Syfl. i. p. 144. N° 24__Scep. Ann. i. p. 3 i. N° 30.
Le Perroquet cendre de Guinée, Brif. orn. iv. p. 310. N° 49,
|---- -----------------— ou le Jaco, Buf.oif vi. p. 100.— PI. enlum. 311.
Der grave Papagey, der rother fchwantz, Frifch. t. 51.
Pfittaeus cinêreusj.féu fubcæruleus Aldrov. Raii Syn. p. 31. N°7;
Alh-coloured Parrot, Will. orn, p. 114. N° 7.—Albin, i. pl. 12.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf
'T pH IS is a well-known Parrot: of the fize of a fmall Pigeon:
the length is twenty inches. The bill is black: cere and
Ikin round the eyes meally and white : iris yellowilh white: general
colour cinereous: the feathers on the head, neck, and under
parts, have hoary edges: the rump and lower part of the belly
are hoary, with cinereous edges : the tail is of a,bright r edt h e
fhafts bjackifh :: legs alh-colour: claws blackilh.
This, bird talks well,.at leaft equal to the green Parrot, but is.
much lefs noify at other times. It is Called by fome Jaco, from
that word being very .plainly repeated , by the bird.
It is. from Guinea that they are ufually fetched, being firft
brought from the inland parts of Africa; they are found alfo
at Congo, and on the coafts of Angola. As to the common manners
of this bird in the tame ftate, they are well known in England,
is well as elfewhere..
68. +- ASH-
D e s c r ip t ion
P la c e a n »
M an n e r -s.