Alberto Forth, in his travels into Dalmatia, in the year lyjS,
p. 245, fays, that he meafured a Vulture himfelf, (one found near
the mouth of the Cettina) whofe extent of wings was above twelve
feet; and in a note‘below fays, that the fort found in the Swift
mountains, called Le Vautour des Alpes, is of the fame race.
We further learn, that the throat of the Condur is naked, that
is, bare of feathers, and of a red colour; the comb brown, but not
indented; that in fome, the.upper parts are variegated with
black, grey, and white; and under the belly fcarlet, as was that
bird mentioned by M. Salerne *.
Mr. Brijfon obferves, that thefe birds vary in colour; which
will account for the difference in plumage by which authors
have defcribed them : which circumftance frequently happens in
other birds, as well as in this fpecies.
Vultur harpyia, Lin. Syfi. i. p. 121. N° 2.
L ’Aigle huppe du Brefil, Brij orn. i. p. 446.
Urutaurana, Raii Sytt. p. 7» Yzquauhtli, p. 161*
Oronooko Eagle, Brown's Jam, p. 471.
Crefted Eagle, Will, orn. p. 63. tab. jig, bad.
D escription- r p H I S bird is in fize fomewhat bigger than a Turkey:
"*■ the bill is black: cere and irides yellow. The head is
covered- with feathers, and adorned with a creft ; which is
compofed of four feathers : two of thefe are placed at the
top of the head, and are about two inches in -length ; and
two others, which are fhorter, on each fide : which feathers the
* Orn. de Salerne, p. io.
bird can erect at will. The hind part of the neck is fulvous:
the upper parts of the body, for the moft part, black; beneath,
white. Tail barred with brown and black, alternate: vent and
thighs barred white and black; edges of the tail-feathers whitifh:
legs covered with white feathers, and fpotted, or rather barred,
•with black. Limaus fays, that the legs and claws are both
naked, and that they are of a yellow colour; and thinks it much
allied to the Falcon genus, lince the head is deftitute of feathers
in no part.
This bird inhabits Mexico, Brafil, and other parts of South Place.
America. It is faid to be able to cleave a man’s lkull afunder,
•with one ftroke of the bill.
Vultur papa, Lin. Syfi.i. p. 3 22. N5 3. 3.
Le Roi des Vautours, Brif. orn. i. p. 470. t. 36. N°-11- KING-
- - - Buf. oif. i. p. 169. t. 6.
— — -----------■ PI. enlum. N° 428.
Cozcaquauhtli, Raii Syn. p. 161.
The Vulture, Albtn, 2. t. 4;
King of the Vultures, Edw. orn. t. 2.
Br. Muf. Lev. Muf. *
q pH IS fpecies is about the fize of an hen Turkey. The bill is Desceiptxow.
red at the end; the middle black : the cere is orange-coloured,
which is continued on the upper part, fo as to form a
* By this is meant, the Mufeum of Sir AJhton Lever, at Leicefter Houfe ;
well known to abound in the various produ&ions of nature and art: in which
the inquilitive mind cannot fail' of receiving the utmoil latisfa&ion in every.
9 carunculatecS
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