upper parts of the body olive green ; beneath olive yellow:
outer edge of the tail pale blue: tail cuneiform; the two middle
feathers fix inches long; the outer one three only, colour olive
green; the outer edges of the four outer ones pale blue; ends of
all whitifh : legs dulky blue.
Inhabits New Caledonia. There is a fpecimen of this likewife at
Sir Jofepb Banks’s. I have fome fufpicion of its proving the female
of the laft-mentioned: the bill, legs, wings, and. tail, do very
much correlpond.
J^ EN G TH fifteen inches. Bill ftout, moderately hooked; the
upper mandible not angulated ; bafe of both deep blue; the
tip of the upper black : the forehead very dark purple : crown
greenilh cheftnut: fides of the head pale green: from the bafe of
the bill arifes a ftreak of crimfon, which pafies through the eye,
and a little way behind i t : hind part of the -head and neck,
upper parts of the body, and wing coverts, dark green: at the back
part of the neck a few pale yellow feathers ; and on the middle of
the back a mixture of pale ferruginous brown : the rump crimfon,
with a tinge of cheftnut: the under parts of the body cinereous
green : the greater quills are brown, with blueifh edges :
fecondaries, and baftard wing, dulky, with the edges green, and
pale rufty brown tips: the tail is cuneiform; the two middle
feathers being feven inches in length, the outer ones only three
inches and a quarter; the colour of them blueilh, but the two
middle ones have green margins; all the fhafts deep cheftnut;
legs black.
Inhabits New Zealand. A fine fpecimen is now at Sir Jofepb
Banks’s, from which this defcription is taken.
K k
P l a c e .
D e s c r i p t i o n ,
P l a c e .