1 do not find any new fpecies of Owl the produce of the laft
voyage to the South Seas. Some, indeed, have been brought
home; but, as far as have come under my infpedtion, prove to be
mere varieties of thofe defcribed before, viz. a fine variety of the
Canada Owl, N°29, the ground-colour of a fine chocolate-brown.
This came from the Sandwich IJlands.
I likewife obferve two flight varieties of the White Owl, N ” 26 5
the one rather larger, and the other a trifle fmaller than the European
ipecies. Thefe came from the Southern Ocean with the
I have remarked before, that the White Owl is an inhabitant of
the hotter climates *, as well as the colder ones; and thefe being
found in lflands of the Southern Ocean alio, prove the circum—
ftance not to be uncommon ; though nature, from having provided
fuch warm clothing, feems to have intended them for the
colder regions only.
* Being found in Jamaica. See page 138.— Alfo in Braßt. See Marcg. Nat.
Hiß. Braß. p. 203, called the Tuidara,
I 153 1
O O E K I I , P I E S .
G e nu s IV. S H R I K E .
1. Fork-tailed crefted. N° ao. Antiguan.
.2. Fork-tailed. a t. Luzonian.
3. Cheftnut-backed. 22. Chinefe. 1 4. Great cinereous. 23. Barb ary.
Var. A. 24. Madagafcar. 1 Var. B. 25. Bengal.
$. Louifiane. 26.' Jocofe.
6. Senegal. 27. Rock.
7; Collared. Var. A. Lefler Rock,
8. Ferruginous-bellied. 28. White-wreathed.
9. Tabuan. .29. Blue.
.10. Pacific. 30. Green.
11. Northern. 31. Rufous.
12. Black-headed. 32. White-headed.
13. Short-tailed. 33. White-billed.
1.4. Rufous-tailed. Var. A . Dominican.
15. Red-backed. 34. Panayan.
16. Variegated. ,35. Crefted.
17. Wood-chat. 36, Grey.
Var. A. Var. A.
,18. Crefted red. 37. Tyrant;
19. Hook-billed. Var. A. St. Domingo T .
XX Var. B.