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Zn. XIV.
D escription.
G e n u s XI. W A 'T T L E - B I f i D,
N° 1. Cinereous Wattle-Bird.
TH E bill in this genus is incurvated and fornicated) the
upper mandible exceeding the lower in length.
A t the gape of the bill a carunculated wattle, arifing from the
under mandible.
The noftrils deprefied, half covered by a membrane of a texture
fomewhat cartilaginous, and tufted near the ends.
The tongue of a fub-cartilaginous texture, divided at the end,
or rather deeply ferrated, and ciliated.
Legs made for walking: toes three before and one * behind :
the legs carinated at the back part.
L e v . M u f.
rpH IS Angular bird is about the fize of a Jay: the length from
bill to tail is fifteen inches. The bill is black, very ftrong,
and bent downwards; in length an inch and a quarter: the
noftrils are fituated in a hollow at the bafe of the bill, and are
half covered by a membranous cartilage, which hangs over them
as a cover: from the bafe of the lower mandible, on each fide,
* I here take an opportunity of remarking an error of the prefs (for fuch only
it can be) in the Genera o f B ir d s , where it is mentioned, that this genus has three
toes before, and tw o behind, being five in all; a circumltance wholly u n na tu ra l
in-the feathered tribes. See G en . o f B ir d s t p. 9. 1. 15.
fp r in g s