T O U C A N.
D bs-c r i p t io n .
F ema l e .
edged with a reddifh colour. Which of the two was the male,
was not noticed, therefore not to be determined.
Ramphaftos piperivorus, Lin. Syß. i. p. 150. N° 2.
Le Toucan ä collier de Cayenne, Brif. orn. iv. p. 429* 32, £
Le Koulik, Buf. otf. vii. p. 128.
Toucan a collier de Cayenne, PL enl. 577. the male.
Toucan ä ventre gris de Cayenne, PL enl. 729. the female.
Green Toucan, 2sV/w. pi. 330. the male.
Lev. Muf.
r r 'H I S fpecies is a trifle bigger than the laft, and meafures in
length thirteen inches. The bill is above two inches and
three quarters in length, and near one inch thick at the bafe; the
edges much ferrated ; it is red at the bafe, and the reft black to
the end •, the red on the under mandible reaching half way : the
orbits of the eyes are flefh-coloured, or blueilh : the head and
neck, breaft, and middle of the belly, are black, with a fteely
glofs: on each fide of the head, near the ear, is a fpot of golden
yellow : on the lower part of the neck, behind, an orange cref-
cent: the back, rump, upper tail coverts, and lower part of the
belly, olive green: thighs the fame, mixed with cheftnut: under
tail coverts crimfon: quills brown, with greenilh edges: the tail
cuneiform, green above, and brown beneath; the tip of each
feather cheftnut: legs lead-colour: claws black.
The female differs from the male, in that the hind part of the
neck is brown, which is black in the male : the whole of the under
parts grey, from the chin to the vent: the collar at the
back part of the neck is very pale : but in other things it refem-
bles the male. 3
This inhabits Cayenne. It has the name Koulik from its cry,
pronouncing this word quick, and repeatedly. It may be fup-
pofed that its food is pepper, as Limans has named it the Pefferent
Le Toucan jaune, Erif. orn. iv. p. 432. N° 1 r.
L*Aracari a-bee noir, B uf otf vii. p. 130.
Alia Xochitenacatl, Nieremberg, p. 207. —JohnJlon, p. 119.
Another fort of Xochitenacatl, Toucan, orBrafilian Pie, Will, orn. p. 386.
'T pH IS fpecies is of the fize of a Pigeon. The bill is black,
thick, and bent: the irides yellow : the general colour of
the body yellowifh white : on each fide of the neck, from the bill
to the breaft, is a longitudinal ftripe of black : the leffer wing
coverts are yellow: the middle and greater coverts, fcapulars, and
quills, varied with white and black: the tail is of the fame colour:
the legs are brown : and. the claws yellowilh.
This inhabits Mexico.
Le Toucan hleu, Erif. orn. iv. p. 433. N° 12;
L ’Aracari bleu, Buf. oif. vii. p. 131,
Xochitenacatl, Fern. Hiß. p. 47. ch. itfi.—- cfohnfton av. pp. 126» 157.
t. 5(5.—Nieretnb.. p. zog.-
/V L L we know of this , bird is from Fernandez, who obferves,
that it is about the fize of a Pigeon : the colour wholly blue,
* Piperivorus%
3 3 S
P l a c e .
D e s c r i p t io n .
P l a c e .
T .
D e s c r i p t io n .