D escription.
V ar. A.
Falco Fulvus, Lin.fyfl. I. p. 125. N° 6.
L ’Aigle commun, FI. enlum. 409.
L'Aigle, Brif. orn. i. p. 419. N° 1.
Aquila fulva, Raii fyn. p. 6, N° 2.
Golden Eagle, with a white ring about it’s tail, Will. orn. p. 59.
Black Eagle, Br. Zool. i. p. 165.
Ringtail Eagle, Am. Zool. N°
B i l l blackifh horn-colour: cere yellow : irides hazel: general
colour brown: head and neck inclining to rufous: tail
White for two thirds of its length, the reft blackifh: legs feathered
to the toes, which are yellow : claws black.
Falco fulvus 0. Lin. fyfi. i. p. 125. N° 6.
Le Pygargue, Bnf. oif. i. p. 99.
L ’Aigle a tête blanche, PI. enl. 411.
White-tailed Eagle, Ednn. i. t. 1.
n rH I S differs in having almoft the whole of the tail white,
except juft the tip, which is brown. The breaft is fcat-
tered with triangular fpots: the forehead, between the eyes, naked.
M. Brijfon fuppofes that this, the Erne, and the Bald Eagle, are
only Varieties.
Lenj. Muf.
I E N G T H two feet nine inches. Bill brownifh yellow, large, and
aquiline : head, neck, breaft, belly, thighs, and vent, white : back,
wings, and tail, dark brown, except the end of the laft, which is white
for about three inches: the legs are yellow, and very ftouc: the claws
This bird was brought to England in one of the laft circumnavigating
lhips, and is now in. the Leveriati Mufeum. Its native place unknown.
L E N G T H one foot eleven inches. The bill is rather fmall for the
iize of the bird, blue at the bafe, and blackifh at the-tip: the under
part of the lower mandible yellowifh: the cere dufky: forehead
nearly of a buff-colour : the upper parts of the head and body brown,
each feather marked with ferruginous juft at the tipacr o fs the hind-head
there is a mixture of pale cream-colour, and lower down the feathers
are much blotched with the fame: the fidfes of the head, beneath
the eye, palifh, ftreaked' with brown : from the chin fprings a
crefcent of black, placed much like that in the Hobby: the chin is white,
ftreaked with fine lines of black: the fore part of the neck and breaft
brown, each feather margined, with yellowifh white: belly- the fame, •
but darker; the fhafts of a deep brown: the quills are dark, and on
the inner web of each are feveral oval ferruginous fpots, placed tranf-
verfely; the tips of all of them tipped with the fame, except the four
or five outer ones, which: are plain : the wings, when clofed, reach ra-.
ther beyond the middle of the tail, which is, eight inches long,.of a.
deep brown ; all the feathers are fpotted on each fide of the webs with,
ferruginous, except the two outer feathers, which are plain on the;-
outer web : the legs are yellow : the claws pretty large, hooked, and
A good fpecimen of this is now in. the poffeffion of Mr.. Banks,, from,
which the above defcription is taken.
* E L E N G T H ;
gj ya.
N. S.
D escription,
7 b.
D escription..