
F A L C O N,
F emale.
N. 6.
D e s c r i p t io n .
N. S.
D e s c r i p t io n .
is cinereous: the irides yellow: parts above grey-brown; beneath
white, fpotted with rufous brown : the outfides and tips
of the tail-feathers are brown ; within white, tranfverfely
ftreaked with brown : legs yellowilh, naked : claws cinereous.
This bird is frequent in France., but fcarce elfewhere; and is
faid to eat mice, rats, and frogs. The female is almoft wholly
of a grey colour, having no white except an the rump * and that
of a dirty colour.— Generally makes it’s nefton the ground,
among heath, broom, furze, &V.; fometimes, though not often,
upon pine and other high trees : lays generally three eggs, of a
gfey (late-colour.— This is a different bird from the Henharrier,'
■ though by fo'me confounded with it.
JT E N G T H twenty inches. Orbits of the eyes yellow: cere
the fame : the whole body of a pure 'white : the legs are
yellow: the hind claw double the length of the others.
Inhabits New Holland.— Communicated by Dr. G. R. Forjler *.
T E N G T H twenty-five inches; fize of the Plaintive- E .W 9.
The cere is yellow: -body brown: tail black a end of the tail
tipped with dirty yellowilh white.
Inhabits Staten Land. Has*a cry much like-that of a hen, fo
as tu deceive one into the fuppofition at firft hearing»
* I am much obliged by many hints and obfe'rvations communicated to me
by that gentleman, in the courfc of his voyage round the world.
» I am
I am indebted likewife to the above-mentioned gentleman for
this fhort account; and on his opinion I place it as a new
L ’Aigle du Breiil, Brif, orn. i. p. 445. N° 12.
Urubitinga, Buf. oif. i. p. 141.— Rail Syn. p. 8. N° 9.
■ '» ‘ Will, orn. p. 64.
BR IS SO N fays it is as big as a goofe of half a year old.
The bill is thick and black : cere yellowjlh : eyes large :
general colour brown ; wings blackifh, mixed with cinereous :
tail white for two-thirds of it’s length, then black, with a white
tip : the legs are naked, and yellow.
This is an inhabitant of Brajil.
D escription.
L ’Aigle de Pondichery, Brif orn. i. p. 450. N#I5. t. 35. 21.
--------------------------- Buf. oif. i. p. 136. PONDICHERRY
----------------------------PI. ml. 416. E'
'T H IS bird, according to the drawing, mud be an handfome D escription.
fpecies. In fize it equals the Jerfalcon. Length one foot
feven inches. The bill is cinereous, with the tip yellow: cere
blueifh : colour of the body chefnut; the {haft of each feather
blackilh : the head, neck, and bread, are white, with a longi-
tudinal brown line down the middle of each feather: the end-
half of the fix firft prime quills is black: tail-feathers chefnut;
the fix middle feathers are of a pale fulvous colour at the tip ;
the three others have narrow blackifh bands on the inner webs :
legs luteous: claws black.
G This