
H O R N B I L L ,
as the b ill; this is flat at top, anil rounded behind, and projects
over the back part o f the head ; this laft part is whitilh, but the
reft of it, as well as the bill, is alh-colour : the upper part o f the
head is blackilh : the cheeks and throat quite b la ck ; the laft is
furrounded by a dirty grey band, about three quarters o f an inch
in breadth, forming an arch, with the concave part uppermoft :
the hind head and neck are o f a pale cheftnut: the back, fcapu-
lars, wing coverts, and rump, brown : upper and under tail coverts
the fame, with a mixture o f fulvous: breaft, upper part o f
the belly, and Tides, are blackilh, with a mixture o f g re y : thighs
yellow brown: bottom o f the belly, and under tail coverts, pale
yellow: quills black ; the outer edges o f the fecondaries grey :
the tail is even at the end, in length eight inches, and of a dirty
cinereous white : the legs are grey brown : claws black.
P lace and Inhabits the Molucca IJles. Willughby obferves, that it refem-
M a n n e r s . y e3 our Raven in the bill, but is red on the temples, like fome
kinds o fT u rk ie s ; has wide noftrils, and ill-favoured eyes; and
that it feeds chiefly on nutmegs, whence its flelh is very delicate,
and has a fine aromatic relilh.
This, in its native places, is frequently tamed, and is ufeful
in deftroying rats and mice in houfes *.
* Saline.
II O R N B I L L. 353
Xe Calao a bee cizele de l’ifle de Panay, Sen. Voy. p. izz. t. 82. the male,
t. 83. the fem ale.
Xe Calao de l’ifle de Panay, B u f. e if. vii. p. 14;.—P I. m l. 780. le male, 781. la femeUe.
J N fize, fays Sonnerat, it equals our Raven. The bill is very
long, arched, toothed at the edges, pointed at the end, and
compreffed on the fides, which are ridged tranfverfely from the bafe
to two-thirds o f its length; the ridges are brown, and the furrowed
parts between the colour o f orpiment; the reft o f the bill
to the end is fmooth and brown : on the top o f the upper mandible,
from the bafe to the middle, is an appendage like the bill,
which is flatted at the fides, Iharp at the top, and cut to a fharp
angle before; and, as far as it extends, is as broad as that part o f
the bill which it covers, and is as deep as broad; the eye is fur-
rounded by a naked brown .lkin : the eye-lids furnilhed with a
circle o f Ihort ftiff hairs or briftles, forming true eye-lalhes : the
iris is whitilh.; .the head, neck, wings, and back, are o f a greenilh
black, changing into blue in different lights: the upper part o f
the breaft light red brown: belly, thighs, and rump, deep red
brown : the tail confifts o f ten feathers, two-thirds o f which from
the bafe are rufous yellow, and one-third to the end black ; the
legs.are o f a lead-colour : -toes placed three before and one behind,;
the middle toe united to the outer one to the third articulation,
but to the inner toe only as far as the firft.
The female is o f the fame fize as the male, but differs in the
head and neck being wholly white, except a triangular large
3green-black fpot, which arifes beneath the bafe o f the bill, palling
Z .z
D e s c r i p t i o n .