Black-bellied Falcon, Forft. Am. Cat. p. 8.
Black-cheeked Falcon, Am. ZwI. N° BLACKCHEEKED
^ H I S ^ a large fpecies, being equal to an Eagle in fize. The DescJ ptiok
head and neck are of a deep alh-colour : the belly black.
For further particulars, as well as manners, confult 4 m. Zoology'
»jpHIS fpecies is of a fize little inferior to that of an Eagle.
The bill is black and hooked: the cere yellow: irides CHINESE
brown: the parts above are of a reddilh brown colour: the NE‘s:.
top of the head pretty darkj the edges of the feathers darkeft. |
Acrofs the middle of the wing is a bar of dark brown, pretty ESCR,PT,otr
broad, and molt part of the quills ate of the fame colour to the
end: the tad of the fame colour as' the upper part; the bale,
the middle, and the end of a dark brown : all thé under parts,
from the chin to the vent, are of a yellowilh buff-colour: thé
legs are yellow, very llout: claws large, hooked, and black.
This is an inhabitant of India: the: defeription and drawing
of the bird lent me by Mr. Pennant: fee.plate iii. of this work. °
In a colleótion of drawings exhibited in King-Street, Covent-Garden,
April 28, 1780, I obferved a bird which was not very different
from the above, perhaps a variety. It was crefted, the creft
compofed of afh-coloured and black feathers intermixed : thd
bill black: iris of a pale yellow: fides of the head, round the
eye, of an alh-colour : back and wings deep chocolate brdwn ;
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