•the haalt «of ijbe Afetejpjeu, fedpr^lajrge ^p/eading tïge. TJie vafeyf,
Aê..aiQonSider*ble«.4iste»ce, as far as^ e^eiidedws^ftght Mfebet.ween
therisivfr and the garden wall, .was as-even as a bowling green, andfehh
as?4resh a yeEdtare. Thehank sustained.a row of fee old ,t}}§es,.wh9£e
véneraMe1 branches spread their thick foliage, to the exclusion ,ojf the
me ridigms W, and cast upop,the margin ojt tjae r.iygrf a^fesfraat; fet
grateful shade. The p.avijioji^taod supported ypp^.higJ^&larg, arid
wepsceiaded to* it- by a wooden ladder: it was.y(^nMggdi^U|gr, jdigjfe
fed ai® •>; a fe we were much dfcl&gbted with the’ pleasantness '■ and
■ novelty of our stpaafen. Immediately opposite, withi%lhe, garden
Wafewas.&.neat bnt small summer-house, two Rories hlghi^0J5it^|.niji.g
three rooms on a.floor'; and I am fefprmed, that the Raja, when at
iSimukka, is very fond of retiring hither for his recreation.
Punnkfe is «the winster »residence ,of the Daeb ]&aja, #shy^' W,et;e
Informed, shis favonttte seal* he has j^wshedl^rge sums upon it,; and
I am fold.itsdéeorations. arenmch mo.CS .costly, than--tbpsefelfey,Qth.§r
,of his palaces^ I .was greatly mortified and disappointed, jn not being
•permitted to see the inside fe thSvpalaeei ;a .s t^ 3 jpIÊtfekfetdhe Itlffr
entrance; and, .in^eoasefeeose ,of an opdife given during .the,Jgte
dutmjlts, obstinatoly’rQi0sed',3S#.admittance; nq$ could I bgg any,means
pfevail* upon him to relent. We had not the same'difliculty in"'ggi|tffig
access 'to the gardens .which -were extensive) apdwell stocked ;^'cöieï
tginiijg the,ojr%nge,,sweet and sour; Iemon, lime, taft^lfenegninatffi
pegfe apple, pear, and -walnut trg§s, loaded yyith .unripe fifet. Vgp
gathered many apples; tfieir shape and name ,)t?ere;^jp^it39idat|ons
■ to ais, fe t we found .them coarse, harsh, a§d extretnely ill.tasted. ,A