• .imgiefs^dad it. Whether the-(^rlongs have by^use surmtmnted this
difficulty-, and so far blunted ’their'sensations, ,as to use the .batffie^tab-
lished on the spot, without personal inconvenience, Ifeiow not; .yeb$\
■ is reported,{that none but'good tand holy inen are susceptible of its
virtues; the profanp'who.resort .hither, heing^irtcapablefpl,enjdying its
.medicinal efficacfy,!>or, .in-other, words,^supporting its, extreme heat.
;The desponding invalid, therefore, is,usually CQinpeftedj t(^hayeire-
’ ftCourse,;tO; those, • whq-are in a superior, degree eadpwetJ-^y^tEjholiness,
“ to propitiate die genii'of’ the well.”
, Our road lay near the river, arthVfoot of^he mountains* winding
through a verdant yalTey-of unequal width. In; general,, tlte^mpun-
tains terminated with an easy slope; but their sides, were, divided iptp
small beds, foi the growth oh corn; and they were not-incumberedwith
trees.- The few winch were:upon; them consisted of pine and I ;,
with some barberry bushes intermixed-; rand|everyj^bree^ of.wind,
diffiising jthe fragrance;©! ’the jessainine, gratefully convinced .usofits
The palaBe ;pf Pumihk», 5n?its extetiord6im^ai^Lappear||^J^ery
- much-resembles Jtliat of Tassisudon^but-' is rather more spacious and
extensive: it has, in the .same - manner,' its -.citadel-.Mid. gilded canopy-.
It is situated on the point of a peninsula,- washed pm botli sides,- imme;
diately before 'their junction,-hy; the Matchifeu .‘and the. Patchieu. We
crossed the.Patchieu over a covered wo.oden bridge,-{and, turning to
5 the right', passed through aidoorway in. a-wall,'that :s.eryes; to part the
court-yard from: the Raja’s garden.' We-proceeded. on,; and took up
our residence in a light imy .pavilion^.belonging- to Zempi, erected on