bê- ©figipd. mè. asy sans ®f nmbeyI might Wist; for th#r discharge of
toy travelling expenses. Me ordered a quantity of the roasted; grain,
which we; used; to eat and prafee, when,, we visited hint,'to be
gackedup, and sent with us ; and' while'we were at Punukkn, we
received fr®®i tówi daily supplies of most excellent fresh butter, which
I thought equal to any I- had ever eaten, for consistence; colour; and
; ,Thei5 .process; of making butter is; as follows* They put the-milk
destined for the purpose into- a narrow upright bucket, with a-lid
adapted tpdt, in the centre, .of which is a hole that admits the passagl
of a bamboo shaft; round the upper part oEthisshafea p k ^ ^ é o rd k
orthong, is passed’, so that two,persons, each seizing-an- end,oiafce1!it
_tpi rq«0lv&, rapidly; arid jgjtate thecontents of the bucket. Tfié Upper1
end of the shaft being pointed, is received in a concave bit ©frWood,
which is occasionally tied to a tree, or any other feted ebject, whfoh
happens to be in the way. Th& lower end, within the yeSaelV is split
into four parts, to a certain distance; a bandage of twine prevents- its
splitting higher. The parts are then kept open, to any degree of ex«-'
tension, by a cross piece, which is tied with a thong- High1 Or-low, ift;
the split part, as it happens to suit the fancy of the operator. Rude
as tills contrivance is, it contains the principle applicable-to- the- same
process throughout all, the universe, quick and continued- agkatfon.
Whether if be the most expeditious mode- is of small importance;
it hi at least simple, easily applied1, and completely answers the
On the morning- of the 8th, horses aiid a- guide befog ready to attend'
-us, we left WandfpoSe ;-fjhu‘t 'we - h'ad Kdstt&d and take®? leaVe
-of ‘the Raja, who ^propoked, When we ''left spUrfiilcka, that We 'sWou-ld
raeet him midway at a plafce'^afled1 Telagong, and tli.it' -tvc Should
pro'cefed’tbge'ther -to- Tassisudon -; to which’ end', he promised to^give
’us* notice’ of‘the'day -fixed for. his departure.
j-‘It waS'-’abbiA^d^etf o'clock when' We ^descended the ’hiU 'of Wan<ffi-
passing'By a'’sekroPharrf/Where a ’tame*elephant Was kept-,-'the
’©hw'Mnefl had niet-with’ in Bootan. T ’he.',steep 4ndr%aVrb'W- rda'ds
Ipjteclude the use of them here; .ag» thoughMh^We^oker'y'^buAdant
immediately ’ejnKhe" southern frontier, yet 'is tlhs- aniwal/mpput a
short-ldSstanfeh from his native woods, shut up, and treated as airxJhjeet
uiierdly of fcfrfibsity-.*'
We‘‘Were fortunate in our day: the weathef wit's-' -serene, the atiiio-
«pheresclear, and the sun shone full .upon the distant mountains. In
the rear of all, swelling high ab'o'Ve! the rest, the mountains 1©f Gha-sSa
were -distinctly visible, 'clothed with perpetual' snow-, -whose smooth
•unsullied siirface was nobly contrastedrby thfer, deeply shaded^rocky
eminences in the fore-gfound. A few luminous' - aMkfeu%f%:l0uds
hung on the border of the horizon, which, tjieiy verged towards the
snow, assumed a darker laid thicker appearance, adding touch-to tte
effect of this beautiful view.
. Ghassa is -the capital of a district, and the station of-a Zoompoe®,
or provincial governor. The highest mountain in its neighbourhood-,
whose head -is eternally crowned with snow, sends forth a Spang, of
water alt its base, of so great a degree of heat, that few ape^foumd
capable of bearing, even for a short -time, any part of the -body