Tassisudén—my Arrival notified at the Palace—the Raja or Lama
■ occupied in religious,Ceremonies— stricLObservanee of all Duties
appertaining to their Religion.— Message , from, the Daeb Raja
. ^Interviw+fZoompoon, Zoonddnier, Zempi— Citadel-Audience
Chamber— Ceremony of Introduction—Particulars^&f the Interview'
—rTea—local Observance— extensive Fashion —peculiar Modewet
preparing it.^P olite Attention o f tke Raja—Dress,-that of-the
i religimis Order—Manner of oar Reception.—Second Interview.
Silk Scarfs^heirtfye^m all Occasions of Ceremonyan. Compliment.—
Comparative View tóf Manners.—JVatural Productions.
, Peculiar Sentiments o f theRaja-^-Variety sfEAprêssionvrArl of
.jtjrawingv—Mr, Davise/superior Skill.-^Visit-to.the chief Officers
under Government—Zfasse-Zompopn, Zoondonier, Zempi— Outline
of their Rank and Authority.—I undertook to mediate the Pemhof
We^ZeenMubs, who are pardoned, and readmitted into fayjmr-r*,
Instance of implicit Obedience to the W ill of their Chief.—-General
Design of the present Work,—A Bootan Repast.—Boora Soóbah,
or Toonso Pilo.—Bees.—Benevolent and humane Sentiment .•—Order.
of Gylongs—regulated Periods for religious Service—some Rules
o f the Society—Ablutions—flanperance— Cleanliness—general Ap-
pearance—endemial Disorder termed Gheig, or Aubi.
B O'O T A N . 65'
fans# morning* tèfier my 'ailntfké at* Tlassisük'Öfi, f sèrifr the ’ Gosein' Póö-
r’ürïgheer, \\ hiKjfê^Ë&Aijcd AnV*I'M\Jre|piotci, lotfHfe'Vp^ce', to^'atv
‘ïange. the .cc^pmnVol our h\ <1 times foff''&fe<d‘èlil-
Yèi\ ottfu^thsjTlitches, with \Uflchïlu«libcui»ch i»gubBv*m«^(S(ncmur
tMiitpIOaeb Raj’at'1* 1
^fter:‘ai'sïoElS^É^^ he’ returned \\nlï>ijiloi!inlioïiJ- shat (lie* Raja;
vijho itso a I; ntfav liatMahVonfe da\ «past cle\ otcdeliiniseit*to Pooj a
frehgious c&’éino-mfcs^ diOceuu1fttF'oP tKe WcjihuP ^ C«/jpn»t of nigh
rtinfé in* me'Toligious ortlyr,' and' giêitlyfronoVried' icrS#l)i&'s Wfity
and-'agfe.^How much long« r'those fit Is -might;* employ linn, Poomng-
Hëèr coMdhbt, ‘with any «fegree ’öTficèfÉaihty/i'akè&Tfain'; hut, he was
töid tha*% until their cbkclusi&n, thé RajêWóuld comimtó'trfcprh ate;
his atfektioH'biin^ wholly turned from the' afifflr^%#tn®wf®^ffid«nff
pefsoïi would be permitted toiinteffupt him*; At the sarnb, tmieptlwas
intibiatI3ftb ïfré,'that'‘the principailbfifcers ab®ilt'his^^ö\Si^ffip|i»
the interval, be rfeady’ïo recervewna’syisits »Hut LMpbfdo decline
Waiting upon theln'j until I had sétïi rates Ra^himsélft ,
Having just arrived among a-péoplé;ïwlose;peejili^^iMbms;bhad
;:y|| to learn, I confess that the myStecio.usnes^.^'ffi«'deemed, to ffljgf.
vail, and this5 apparent difficulty cmttóêbssy suggested tome;? no‘very
favourable opinidh_ dl- taydfew friends Ét occurred to Sue? tliatrth©
del«iy: probably ibflginated, in a plan ‘Cdboeftedl'to magnify the irild
portanee' aridf. piety df'their effitf!1 an which many of’ my
attendants indusO'iousJy, epdea,votured to^giye. strep rak, Th^phlowtyer,
was a rash and hasty inference; as I had thé * satisfaction1 ra have