viding for, a numerous family, perish
in thp fields : aTIPftPr hftW^Vfl pjlipws, fey pp.pibaps, I am assured»
unfrequgpt, With this» the Tihetiajts never can he charged. Their
custom» ft® it. eigptuaUy operates against supefafeupdant population»
tends gisq tq prevent domestic discords, arising from a division, of
family interests, and to concentrate all the spirit, and all (he virtues,
inherent in illustrious blood.
The ceremonies of marriage are neither Tedious nof intrieate ho
Tiheh Their cpru-tships are carried on with little art? apt} quickly
brought to a conclusion. The elder, brother of a family, to, whom the
choice belongs, whpn enamoured of a damsel, makes,his proposal to thp
parents. If his suit: is approved, and the offer accepted, the parents^
with their daughter, repair to the suitors house, where themale and,
female acquaintance of both parties meet and carouse for the space of
three days, with music, dancing, and every kind of festivity. At the
expiration pf this time, the. marriage is complete. The priests of Tibet,
who shun the society of women, have no share in these ceremonies,
or in ratifying the obligation between the parties. Mutual consent is
their only bond of union, and the parties present are witnesses] to, the;
contract, which, it seems, is formed indissolubly for life. The husband
has; it not in his power to rid: himself of a tipubleson),e companion,
nor the wife to. withdraw herself from the husband, unless indeed
the same unison of sentiment that joined their hands, should „prompt
their separation; but in such a case, they are never left at liberty to
form a new alliance. Instances of incontinency are rare, but if. a married
female be found to violate her compact, the crime is expiated by
corporal punishftterit,.» afnsk the"-favoured1' ’lover effaces the obloquy df
his transgression by a pecui liars ;ljhe/
If, in genteluh society,! the mal^lja^lbmebiinies',chargeab le> with cbld-
uetes .towards f^nalevsex»j theyjJcanh0>l thfeitforp,1 be said’ with?
conical severity; to* forbid- them all jih'du’l^ejaGej ^nee very prediser
chastity,? Before they marry , jis: ;U0t p^pOifidfin sex?,* thought
when they- haveKonce, ffeuhed a , " ' b y tdoMneatos1 permitted,.
with irhpunity^tO'bteak it.
Weshaltedi forif-hp night,fand-?pitched’* ©u-r tents; hear ar small and-
solitary village.
The following.I'morning«mip|ope,ededoud ^>h^e.- Tibfet-
does' npt-exhibit, at-thi&iseaSoaf;of the yepry.either a^ribh;% varied-ph©-;:
spec! j^itris all a-leafless1* drear yf scene, no t ayblade-of gf assif and'tscarcely;
any vestige of verdure is to be sfeen; one uniformt-jri|sset»broyfnj covers'
alike the v allies,, and the hills. On ■ thp-summits.'of the latter,,.in s o ^
situations,, spring?, ar®- Sebn- arrested; in; tffeir.fa'l-f, a-nd* cpnverted-int-p’
solid monuments of iee,'£jmly fixed-Until the genial- Warmth of summer
shall return to make them floSvr Some! oftf hpm,' now in viewj^er^ofs
prodigious bulk-arid altitude, resembling, imUiense*-columns,- andskhey
contributed greatly, together with the Universalnakfedness-oribqt'h hills*
aftd Vallies, to impress the’ t ra visitor-v ith-an, plea ol the bleakness-1 of
the region, and’ thekSeverity of- t.Kefsedso'S'. ,■
The atmolsphdr^ indeed »was now in an extremedggj^q^enjand purer
During three months that I had pissed in Tibjei* I had not vvitneSseji-
three cloudy days» The drynpsS, of the sod, and scanUUevs?.oi .\e'gela-
tiony cpn'tribptp|riittle-towards charging^ with humidity.*’}«The