.back.again,' and returned within the precincts, of the monastery, where
haying ieposited their solemn. trappings,;! he priests retired;to their i‘ej-1
spectiv&apartments.' i A .view of the dwelling,of Tessaling-Lama,' with
the religious edifice _styled Kugopea, on the north eastern, boundary of
-the monaster.yr;6fi^eshQQ:JGdopiboo, is^iyetfstn, the agnfeXed,p|at^t;
^ T h e pHesis were.habited htiong robes of yellow cloth, with a co-
1 deal,c|p^of;the same; colour, having .flaps tp'fail down, ;and Coyeiothe
\eaijs; rnotice;this.peculiarity.Qf coluuB^n 'their d r e s s , f f r i i ’a d i^
itmctionvadopfedi tp mark mgesof .the tvyo religions, sects, ,|hat divide
alriiost. .the whole of Tartary, from Turklstan to the e^termiimits, of
this continent. The other colour is red ; and the tribes are known as
.belorphg to; the red, ot the yellow cap. The-Xormer differ principally,
; as I understand, Jfrom • the sectaries of the .yellow, in admitting the
marriage of their priests. But the latter are considered as. the..njost
orthodox,; as-well-as possessed of far the greatest Influence. The^m.-
.perpr ,of: China is decidedly a votary of this sect, and he has sanctified
his preferetice of the yellow Colour, by a^singagtaary law, which limits
ft to^tfie seiyiceof religipni and the imperial use. •
• The two .sects are distinguished by the appellations ,ofiCyllOokpa,
,and Shammar, bufthe external appearance, or.dress of; both, is similar,
except the distinction I have mentioned; in the; coldhr of the cap, the
.Gylloopka having adopted yellow, the Shammar red ;,: a circumstance
which is strictly attended to, on all occasions of ceremony. Thre?
Lamas; aye placed at the head of each sect; Dalai Lama, Teshoo Lama,
and Taranaut Lama, .preside overthe Gyllookpa, who have their resi-
‘ Plate X I I .
jfflejDyvellina ojfJffi&hnajfcama.witib the religious J&Mfece sfi/ed /Cugvfjea