they exhibited a . resolution, which, doubtless, received «strength from'
the slacknesSiof the enemy’sdire, and the subsequent discovery of their
want • of ammunition: for at fast the rebels were obliged tu resoft, as
their only means of annoyance, to pelting their adversaries with stonesf
but theses not being1 hurled from an eminence, had little, eifect. It was
curious to observe the mixture of defiance: and of fear, displayed in . the
eondu^^fi^these:eombatantsi AyBooteea,1 in the moment of his highest
exultation,.forgets not hia personal safety, but is most:carefulrto vguard
against the ,danger,of mis#e weapons i bbe isUUe: instant pimping: and-
twirling himself about, brandishing his sword and shiedd with an air
of ^defiance, and with? a wild and savage shout apparently JibalteHjp;
ing attack : the next moment, if-a gun1 be, pointed^or ,a bowsrraised
to be discharged, he shrink's into concealment. - Nor -is the intrepidity
of their assaults more, exemplary : a party. sallying, -pursues no longer
than the party .that advanced, retreats; when if halts, they stand, 'andi
then retire, again. With-frequent fluctiimiims>,^ihe^dspe^y^ome-
times the other side, gaining a.momentary advantage, the. contest.was
carried on till about five-o’clock, when the'loyalists. forced -the rebels;
from the centre village, and those on the east and west were pushed
very close by the two divisions, that had moved to the attack of each.
Soon afterwards a parley took place, in which the rebels seemed to be
making terms. The conference, lasted more than, twenty, minutes ;
when the victorious party came down from the centre village, and
hastened the decision. . The Eastern village was instantly evacuated ;
and the insurgents being permitted to withdraw, went, off in a con-
fused crowd towards the south. Nearly at the same time the western
vHlfge’,was-also abandoned i^rièènè m&gih 'exhibifrcMcicrUld display a
moreisudden- and. striking-,change-;óf jsodne/'^ln dh^instant the w-hoLe’
plainj and théuriice fields,. wereikcQyïeYed'xwithiSanvmnumerable host;
every bank and bush'gav,es-i^(thei«pxoportkfe‘,1 which- much -exceeded
êvéh«$he, mMbérS-'tfaafej rushed §i@m the; hduSësjfapd'f.fromibehïndi .the
walls: yettóiil the* part of-the \&tors bherewas nqqnérsuit'&from whence
I concluded, that* an' ufiidbl^tfe&egress.wasithe^ipulaljofr maderin. the-
parley be'tween theiRajaVtfoópsCand 'the enëmyy ;Ybt^s|$në groups-of
the latter .retreated slowly, makiihgiiw^yi pauses^#®! ."shewedt the are;
laltaace With which* they submitted to this defeat.; Before* sunset-fe^efe
of the villages was tevacuated by* the enemyy except*' tvssb höuses.'in thé
western village, of-which, a party stMbhbH* pQssessidh^.and-deeiined
they . would never yield themselves prisoners, nor accept of any other
terms than a free and uninterrupted retreat.
About an hour* after-the* flight -oft £§!& rest, we saw -.fcSbse/boUseS
surrounded by the Raja’s troops, but stilbcraeupied,by.these1 resolute
rebels. We walked through the villages^and saw few marks ,of ddsff
order. The women,: children, and pigs; were enjoying full aUd>‘quiet
possession. The houses were in. rioi.respect.|damaged, estcèpïvthatia
great number of impressions had heen made by musquetry on,, their
walls.’ There were not many lives lost-'inStbUiCaatesfe; ;a few men.werê
made prisoners, some badly wounded,-and several,-horses,taken... Thus
ended this long conflict, which impressed on us, a very rnèanddea'-of
their military accomplishments,; whatever other- qualification« they
may boast. .
i The Boöteeas are a strong and hardy-race, by no means deficient in