B o pns A H m
comprehended within the thickness of the wall'.- The other, the grand
entrance1, is on front, -jS’fhifehiis' ascerfie^ flight- oh stone
st^pss Even? whptyltes'&'we'. entered« a spacfotfs/»gatfetvay/Wif^two
jhassyi doortpjifortrfied withiki^bspof .iron',' w hich^kd, asbd've the sur-
faee of tire Wood; a large bar' of timber,- sliding within/the' masonry,
sefve^to'>secOtg, fHelnytvhen' shut.., * Wfepassed: thihmgkfthi»|fiies«a-y,
and cdthfe '^{resftmo'' the cerifrkl. sqUare^featfd'iAgji-vtpKch. I must.'^11
tihe citadefe; aruMiik'isk’lfc hal^Mtion ol ihc Miprhnib Rami. It ’ro’tt-
tains also the chief of theirJidk-b/l|f|||fftff)OTiii., ntnulst afniiiJliludeJof
othersfisfeurff^ioi? note. .S'Bo'th^to 'the Wfet and ll§j|fche way’ Idslfl to
spacious.squares, paved with -flat stands, an’dfe. the %aktjnektsjkf(the
Lama.vShe citadel is connected with tMe-westem: angle.; andj there-' is
a .'communication from the varanday a&'e©,vered,gailuy,s which adjoins
to- it. <kTKe citadel? is'a very lofty building,» bei|g.«n^I^ss-Ajthan seVgn
stories'- high, each, from fifteenii<to| eighteen■ f^t'fi.feis^qygred? Oyer.'
w-ilhs as'roof'of a, low pitch,, composed of fir* timbepgj*si|jnathedv’frith
boards of deal, which- project,on each side-a great -way beyond the*
•Walls;; from the. centre, there,,rises a-square pS^cg o£?|^bijj-y^ which
Mpports a, canopy of copper, richly gilt 1 and« this* is supposed to be
immediately over the great idol, Mahamoonie. g Lam’ Rimbocipay^the
present Daeb Raja, lives-upon the fourth'floorfrem the»ground;,ugja;ove
■ that, there: are tw® other stories; and ghe^vdnths ladde^te^s,fo*> ehe
temple of Mahamoonie^ which is-covered with th&'gAldfeji etaopy. -K
■ We'now left the citadel, to take- a, view df the^esh of the Building,
and found the east, west, and south .angles,/exactlycorresponding! with
each other, in havingsapartments/©ft'feheigrdim’(|.fldok'!approp|i|tfedf©r HBB