Commotions-— excited by Wandipora Zoompoon and a degraded
Chief.— Punukka Zoompoon arrives at the Capital to pay the customary
Duty of Allegiance.— Popular Administration of the présent
Daeb Raja.— Ascribed Cause of the Rebellion—prudent Precautions—
Subjects called upon for their Allegiance— weak Condition
of the Capital— extreme Vigilance— general Alarm— Letter
from the Rebel Leader— Insurgents gather Strength— Skirmishes
between the contending Parties— some Loyalists badly wounded with
Arrows— their Dread of Poison—strong Position of the Rebels.
Invited to visit the Raja— his compassionate Concern for) the
deluded Mob, and confident Expectation the ‘Tumults would■ soon
be quelled.— Miserable Artillery— humane Motive for desiring to
employ it— cautious Conduct of the Combatants—--general Trait
oj these Warriors— the Rebels| after an obstinate Contest, totally
defeated.— Military Character of the Booteeas— not deficient in
Courage—feeble Attack—-want of Discipline—--.Accoutrements and
Arms— Use of Poison.— Raja MociimJVarrain— his Vakeel.—Wan-
dipore invested by Zoon Donier and Punukka Zompoon.— General
Thanksgivings.-»-Reduction of the Castle.— Flight of the Rebels.—
Plunder and Spoils.— The Raja meditates a Visit to Wandipore,
to se tHa Affairs in the disturbed Districts—announces his Design
—invites me to meet, him.
A $qpEIf : alter
jvhqa Waad^wnev a^iceeiiehiof
iQhe,.q£ the principal ,castke lin> ;fiooteni fnmthmH wkh'i ■ a .AeamatlrA nf-
ifetyiayiho; faad isecved- in» ,aa: impoMapti pest; »unded, the;
|q raispia pops^otioji, jybich' afe)it ,gaye; tk©- Raja, and-bis
aj^gase,;;and .sdjiebi.as it.raay tend; ,to;pb£-
.txa^ a,feature,in tlpir. character- ..as apyS*HkP;P§(?as>l$ ,1 intend’ minutely
.tpdg&ail;. .fran^ its a)mmeya:rae.r)t tivjfrhjdtM»
. Tlte Gpiginand^CGl’ ^ie fasfefe:, ,pf, Rynuikka, , winter ^resKfeniee
.of th,e ,Da?b ,Rak& arrfyp4.st, Tassisudon.;, on-dje
U is customary Si ieafehfofe. the^high .ioffiesns
irndpr government ite'render; att- awaifaf
and gay b^s duty of alJ^gianoe to. TmmeijMjf
dtp departure of the Zponjpoon from pt^nujcka, jf. >yas i)wpi^cedj(
that at jp^ifujl,; .p^JT i|f iSjrmpdr pgSgtek tlm- a #
jBndifig it unguardf^ p t | t < - o s f e i yishimpnh ha»ii|g
gone escort the Zpajopaon} obtained possession; ®£;it^, asiit we^,
by surprise. Though .the report was not -yet actual ly. confirmeda t l
feef^t fepp^ntotally to tfer-auge the'^pqail’oflder .of thd^staf®,
and jsuggpst jtJUe. ®pg|. active ^tpilftafy preparation^. Arnfedj’pgoplg
.^^p. ^ e ^ tp a^d resort to *
day? again (fetched ifo parties o fprelvp( uf*
twenty, jhy ,^cr^tv rgujg^ acrps§.-, th.ejgaQuntgjns, gran .the pmpos^nof