and I could ■ plainly përeeive they had no- tails?: my attendants all
éMÉtoëd l f t öfe§e^atiö& r> ?
; This lake is frequented by great abundance of water-fowl, wild*
gfe'êf ducks, fêsüy and stöfks; whiëhy ten the approach of winter, take
their flight Uo'hnllder regiöns. Prodigious numbers of saurasses, the
fofgèst'spëciéé’óFthé' crane kind, are $een: here at certain seasons Jofi the
f P i My,! that any quantity of eggs may then be collected;
fe y are foufid dëpositëd Wear the banks.
^jffiÈ feiW W tliëëë^réii tome while I was at T assisudon, during the
tidri's'; they wëftfasf afge ‘as a turkey s egg, and I remember being told
that they came from this place; but whether or notthey wereiMs©of
tfc^shura^ f ctiÓnöV vèÉittfrh tö-prbnoufiCê.
Thei-fek^ g^^»allyharrowed, and from its northern angle,-sent off
a smSll brook, which we crossed, over a very rude bridge. It took
a western direction, betweeif hills that form a narrow defile, discharging
ïtSeïP at the Otlfor; Extremity,1 into a much larger. lake"thap- that
which we had passed.
Our little èamp stood midway with respect tothe lakes, ina narrow
pass betWteSi' rbws o fj rocks, near the village Ctóloo, TWeaty miUs
from Teuna, and not far from the broök. The situation was much
sheltered; and in this confined valley I saw the first gróünd in Tibet,
which was cultivated with success. It produced a ' dwarfish wheat, I
think, o f the liammas kind; this was now ripe, and falling beneath
'T h is animal,,I conceive to have heen‘the Daman Israel, of Egypt, or Schafan, of
thé Hebrews. See Bruce.
»Setting-au t, ,aftêf aaîe&rly,lb.rçakfas.'t^-,on!<-Wednesdays.S the I 7,tKof
September; we continued ifoinjlupdrlOT tfrgë<^ iplilfeSj thy
S(a»am which I h&yçs noticed, till it joined ajfeiEQa'fb^k^tbat^e^tepdqd
farther ïthah, we. could ; trace,; foeidg?. hsmmed> inqbyitrolhks.,' whi@H;ob-
-This-lake, I am told, isiheld in high ,respect,foy.ttkg^fohabhântevuf
flootamv whose; superstitions.. lead'hoDstdterheiiKhrease’hr cdfe-
0tm ie of its:wateits; fas portentous oil good (d^HI>etftthe#r natienxThéy
fancy it .tfekber.aJ: favourite, haunt of onE.df .their ®l^èflÉeèt&s{4 %
The toad; after, passing this defile, turrièdlshà’rjbit'qjthe; right/ round
the skirts of-'a small village, and proceeded;. ô$éir> an ex,tensiyé^p^iîi,
quite . destitute of verdure, of an arid.', soil, iand, covered withfsmkll
stands. On, “quitting this, we turned roundrthè.*paint bh-as hill, and
.came down upon another plain, .white with the same sort of incrustation,
whith we had seen the day before.._ There* was ,00 Watery, w r
dr#itruppear;that there ever .had been ari'^’s.cfovfh&s plaint whbnce^t
shbuld seem; that this'saline substancd'üs sublimed from the earth," and
not a separation from impregnated waters Thq$altpl befièvepis '^blled
hy the chemists, natron,’and by the natives|àf Hindus tan, ;Where it is
found in great abundance, sedgy mutti :yih rfses. in anxefflorescjenGe
from the dry plains, resembling a hoar, frost. tSbrrté deer bounded
across our path.
As we proceeded, several narrowiprospects opened, xof.the siïffiÿy
mountains tp >thè south ;* not'those we had-formerly-seen, but a continuation,
I imagine; of the.same range-that >bbrdeffa\^i Bootan, and
constitutes its frontier. The brown heath, and rpsset.-colotfred rooks,