feS*,' growing somewhat longer than the rest.1 the legs are. very isbort}}
in every oiherrespect he:-resembles the ordinaiiylbwlk There is a great
variety of &effdfe?s amongst them, but black onwhM^re^the most, pre-
Us %jdW-$bfcominGn to see -tfeeiiong .hair ppahathe ^muscle
■ above ‘ftfe'shoulders, upouthe ridge -of -thfe tbapfc,4he tail, and tuft upon
the th'est, • anddlsOthe'‘legs-below thfe-knee,- w4ite£-Wre$f all the re&’iof
The animal'is'^PblaclcH ; ■
Thes^batMe^Mugh riot -large -boned,' S^emjfTOm theipTdfciSeijqmiitity
Wfiair^Sh'V^Seh ‘they ateprevMed,4obedfgyea8ifM&!^ They have*a
dowiri^^:heavyid©k; aild appear, what indeed thoyate^sirllpn and snfe
picious;discovermg -much impatience at the -neanapproarih -.ofstiriagers-
IHii^'dMSot low Ipuljlike-the cattle-of England, any more than these
soTTfindoetari, feift !a low ‘-grunting todise[«caWQel]p audible, arid
that but-seldom, when under some impression of-uneasiness.
-‘^Thrise ‘cattle are pastured in’ die looldest j.parts*of Tihrit^aapon the
peculiar to the:tops of motititaibs’aiadtblegk’P'lalna-tSihE
^(driSri bf.rittountains, situated 1betweeh'®feilatit-ttdesd&5r. apds?'s?; which
divides Tibet -from Bootan, and whosdt summits are most commesily
dldtfeed with snow, ;is their ‘favourite haunt'. In this vicinity,nithe
Southern glens afford them-food aridjshelfer dtdirig'the severity of
winter; in milde^'seasons, the northern aspect'Is more Gangemal to
»their nature', and adihits a wider -range. They afce a ,very valuable ipj&Qr ^
petty to the tribes pfitmetant Tartars, called Dukha, wfa»'livs-'m4erito,
and tend‘them from place to place; they at thfeJ same ItifneUafibrd tfaeiir
herdsmen an easy mode fop conveyanfiej 'afghod cbvering, -.and, whole-
§m e' subsistence. ’tlhey are nev# ei&plriped in agriculture, but -are i PnB