Thé :£ii$0cfc$tte^of Wandipore very expeditiously and, completely^
took place 3 so that, in a short time, the numbers crowded in it, being
reduced to the greatest difficulties, were under the necessity of taking
an opportunity to save themselves by flight.
In the cveiiihg, a feu dejoyefrom the palace announced the reduction'of
Wandipore. The Zoompoon and his party evacuated the castle
in the night, but not before they had plundered it of its most valuable
furniture, stripped the altars of their portable ornaments^ and-transported
with them, all their golden gods. -
Soon after the account of these successes was confirmed, the Raja
concerted a design of visiting Wandipore, in order to settle the go*
vemment of the district, to nominate a new Roompoon, and to appoint
other officers in the room of those who had favoured the late revolt.'
I took the earliest opportunity, to -congratulate the Raja on the
success óf his arms. I had been admitted to frequent audiences
since that which I fast noticed; but as nothing occurred material
to my purpose, I omit the repetition of ceremonious, meetings,: as well
as the many conferences between us and messengers, who arrived
in the height of the troubles', from the Regent of Tesfaoo Loorhboo;
since nothing conclusive passed, respecting my commission. I dismissed
the messengers on the 39th of June, with replies to the letters
they brought; and deeming it a time in which Poorungheer might
render me essential service, I ordered him to accompany them, giving
him instructions for his conduct, with perfect reliance on his fidelity
and attachment.
On .the afternoon of Wednesday, the 2d of July, the Raja sent to
desire hie immediately%fv^vamapomBSm. ’|H'Sfimormed me it was his
intention to sei oAnhcifollo^ririg nioining; d'ffidf beftire' I tbflk"'my leave
ofhifti, he hopes of hBin'gfiridulgyd with a'saghi^Of Wandipore,
as well ^SOTliis favourite-. seat^unukkal ' • if
I had' irof ffmg ’left the ipalacef whin mv Mconshee, oi Pcrsian'^secre-
t’ar^re^^^^l^mmW s^'td*' iid ie afterwards ’ returned?fou|tp v^ith
many instruction®' from the Raja, particularly' enjoining-aipe to come
with-^V^^^d^nf^‘;a»di <tho greafe^wSeWe(^“f wftMtwjeh-
I had n©-difficulty in complying’; %uf I 'fras'tri-Uch rejdpld%® find ihafr
his'pfewonalregardi'CQuW sOfar-hvejCSmethiiiatih'hafehara.ctfrofjea.-
dousy and afisfrustr