$30 T I B Ç T,
Hence yf$ find no p ro fit traveller oyer attempting to» undertake a
journey, widiopk previously appealing to this, authority, and endeavouring
to obtain an auspicious presage. The same signal of favour
% deemed ipdispensajriy requisite ip eyery important enterprise, and
the saipe wary circumspection enters equally ip to all the more minute
Concerns. of domestic, life. The union of the sexes, and the: giving
names to infants, are neither of diem events to bf accomplishedwithpqt
a regular appeal to the same, decisive oracle.
Among that order of men, to whom the due performance of every
ceremony connected with their religion is committed^ som^ are, found-
who are peculiarly skilled in this obscure scjepgq; and the declaration
of it$d^igkms belongs, of coqEse, to the discreet, initiated t
I cannot here enumerate the various modes qf seeking out some
decisive, presage, which they usually practice. The snrtes saocfppjpi
is a pious and venerated appeal: in; trivial affairs, the ipipd. is often
governed by» 0 casual cast of the die ; an4 .bence,difte sr0 almost
always found to constitute an appendage to a Tartaf, dress.
The,custom of these regions obliged me, sometime,1
to the oracular denunciations of my attendant Gylong; which, indeed
I had little difficulty in doing, as f found he had the consideration
seldom to suffer his derisions to oppose my wishes,. 1 consequently,
thought it prudent to travel as he directed, and never commented a,
journey without his ptevfojis concurrence. I soon learned to confide
in his discretion, and; he never failed to calculate for me, both every
auspicious end inauspicious presage. -
The same superstition that influences their view of the, a Sab'S of
the world,’ heivade's-’^hllFy thèîr'gëô^râ'rcaïcù'lâtions. On thi^-prim-
thâl^feêÿfeâlsfè ttéff höihfhèn’éiîfetfflhr of time. I haVe ohé
how'iia?%if ^^sè^sî6ri; arid; a#'fari as I ca^upd^ta'nd'itÿfrööjc what
has been explaSiecr£o me, a re'capi'tula'tiori^öf’lucky and unlucky times,
constitutes' the .chief fheidt:<5f the^vf4rfök4§hèeb Lobo Was thé eöflrpilfer
of this'MIahack, of k)dtöw.: th e mÖtftMif Z>o'Wriÿ CÓforiiendhf With
Jà'nuafy^e ckWèâ'-j^umba ; Gneta ; SuMtC-, JhebU^Gtiabba ; Wrkbà;
TâônilrÈP j^ki h eibaChtoba; Ghaèfvebti^ ^Ghttheba.
The âa;f s, Che, 'ar#reckoned #om' thg^^earhnceWthimew' >ràbofi,
in reghlaT %uCcesfsidfcf,‘ till' it shëws itselPSpM
'’:iNêw'ihh'ori, Che-chèic ; 2, tike-grim ƒ»>$, Che-s6&fo ; 4, Cfae-ùâ ,
SyM ÿfhi; &,€hè->trïi; 1, C h i l ia n 8^i-gfüfrW&U*$é lÓjCfkchutumbha
; * I <Sh^cKuötóé^h^ ]ÙHmffîugnmï 4>i, Ghe-ithwikrtt ;
14, Üfê&vfikzea; ; 16\ CfiJchutray rÏJ, Cheichtdàaü;
18, Ch*‘chughe; %QÏ0Sê%nea chuléfi-bha; 21, CM
-gneàcfUffî; 22, Chpgnedgnea; $3, Ch&gh&tsdom ; $4, Che-gftódkeUi
25, Che-gneagna ?*2§, Che-gneatru; 2,1, Che-gheatoôn ; 2Sy CHe-gnea-
ghé; 29j Che-grieâgôo.
Liafto-drwjtâi&j ai!.»;:<!< lunar. The moonris ;ealeü «un.
Jfeimà. The pài# of thé day; evfefttogjÿfeoo; öighh mômj morn-
kg; ioobo ; noori, mimphee. Their computation of time is, In conformity
with the général practice’ of the East, by a »cycle; mf twelve
years. Twill sûtyoin their âpj^Writes, a® well as in Persia, Chifeki
Tart ary, and Japan.