resuming eur négociations is hfcld to be not very distant, and at that
period, it is not improbable that a factory may be established, under
thfe guidance of> an Rnglishtflaffr This, I preSUine, will be deemed
the most éligible and certain method, of conducting the commercial
interests of the Company, on a respectable footing, and with, adequate
success. *• -
The regulations for carrying the commerce of the Company through
thé dominions of Bootan, by means of the agency of native merchants,
were settled by the treaty entered into by Mr. Bogle, in the year,.!®#.
The Daeb Raja havihg acknowledged to mé, the validity of that treaty,
it %ecaffle unnecessary to insist bn the execution of another^ sinceSio
new privileges and immunities appear to be requisite, until the commerce
can be established on a different footing.
With respect to the views and interests of the Raja of Bootan, by
whose concurrence alone, the proposed commercial intercourse with
Tibet can be made to flourish, I should be sorry to suggest a doubt,
of its ever receiving à check from any conduct in that government, of
an hostile tendency. During the long interval I necessarily passed in
Bootan, I had an opportunity to judge of the Raja’s disposition ; and,
if an inference may be drawn from the particular civilities and attention
he shewed me, while residing with him, I should conclude, that
he has a most entire confidence in the good faith and friendly disposition
of your government towards him. These favourable sentiments,,
even if the interests of the Booteeas were not so intimately .interwoven
with their connection with the English, there is every reason to-believe
are very far from the probability of a change. The present Daeb Raja,
who. is related by blood to a j j v e j j y - a n d poweis|uI %ni|ys yras
solicited, jf is said, on the q( Daeb Ruba,
sffiJKthecar^of goveirnitsnt. .lie complied with the appMattoPs! and,,
by a coali tion j of .offices, .became, at once the civil and religious ruler,
Hayi|tg now: possessed an undivided and uncontrolled influence, as
heasdiof affairs, both ecclesiastical .andpolitical,, fo^fijff Sugars, he has
had the opportunity of ^placing mahpffv-Ms relation M thesnost important
offices 'under that, government..-:!; He has besides taken ;care
to settle the - reversion of the administration in <ryyn family, by
having lately nominated Ms nephew, ?»hft is now an*
infant in arms, Jpr his . successor, and by ca.ns.imr him to. be publMy
iavested with the Raaj, ■ However hois yet-lpoked up to,
rirlererand doubtless will continue to be. so,.;d«riiJi,thfi minority of the
infant Raja»- as Lama, he will always have, alight Jo Inspect
and direct the conduct of the reigning Raja.
■ pfeen.hostiflries had ceased,to distract the Company’s possessions*
when peace had restored security to commerce, and, aUewed aeeujou*
fating revenues, to replenish a weakened treasury
m object ©f.the highest ambition,, at this brigld-iera of Me .Company’s
affairs, to ad d . to the« prosperity, hytogeping a new channel, fyn .the
extension oftjfeeMiSproerce.. If I
pnctitw>n,,,I trust the jkywe will not be imputed to- a want- of zeal; no
exertion has heenyneglected whieMmy hwnble talents qualified me,,to
use- The initoedip^its if will be observed, were entirely
independent asih i^s; M^ssibte to
take any effectnak sns&sures toi^feMate. Affaito feiiftg M^ii^to siich ft