jtijiGin. W i^ 'Weswer^ -epgaggd m viewingthismiserable artillery, oa
a sudden the be|j^^ih^pal|iisd.^g ^ioleniiyfaiïdiout Eashed a; muIi
-titud/S .ofiai'iBied fliWj equipped S m battle: they hurried on, with-a-wild
and savage cry, brandisbingifhmjr arms mtJhgtai airqf:%old aud'iftsöi-
i§Pb-d^aSKEgijj bat She resitpj. Ihebr coadtmtrboiië'. averydiSerent
|ppe^J} jp d th^f^p^diüw; ended rather im ar^kstardlyaaanner. Thé
ijebfk gimiet& mëet, them, and an actraa commenced with a pretty
brisk fofö otwhicjb we widterf tp see; the begtnumgvtall the shot-ranged
g ^ t j f e ' ^appawfcefe the >cpmon; asiere, stmqk; thei w ^lsï-M tóy atF Wé
waJfc§4 alpng;tbe other face! of the palace, went far'heyondrit;
From our quarters we could see both parties enHeaVpunngJq keep
themselves-as much as possible undercover; availingitfeemsëlVes ail
irregularities in the ground* and now and then making a rai'idööi-'shöt',
though -with#fle f#ctj whenever thjey^knewtherowas'a^^llhéÉldtf of
people, ip,consequence ef the ends of Aeir bows and matcMbcks^pg
visible. This sort of conflict lasted for more than twa bourse tffe
^ssaibmts w<?P kept poBstanjtly at bay,,and m; length? tlmugiit pröpëf to
draw off
It is evident that the want of vigour ip the Raja’s troops was; highly
calculated to raise the ardour of the-, insurgents,, who- all seemed
animated in, their, leader’s cpuse, #gd steady to; his. standards yeq
whatever might be the views p.r motives of this revolt, the rebels had
mP y& mnploygd their ppyrgf to its utmost extent; having'tót^rtö
made nmeffo# bey§s4'#heff atmiHtrgnebmente, except indeedtmrepel
tbe .pssplts..©f. tbejr opppngipfHad: them forces rushedrunp with tha
same rapidity witbvyhfob thgy pt grst sprang,forth, it would,have been
B o, o T A N . 1 U
to certain conquest'. The very first implies pon of their arms shook >the
prince upon his throne, made him tremble. Torri-be pentomeney of his
power, and instilled a-ptaic through? evdry^d^paftpiejtt of the -palace*
Bold and daring,'as thé first onset was,, ^^prosecution of their scheme,
in this maniier,'Seemed tosbetra-y ai want ofcbsfidehge in their strength;-
for every, moment they wiastedin inact&Mr; hefbre a-defenceless citadel,
strengthened the Rajas spowerand, whatever migbt be their- objefct, a
veryfghoréitïme placed it for e verbeyorid'itheiriteach.- Before’ siinsht.a!
pretty considerable EdjiforeèfaientS' joined dftfe"insurgents ^cand it is,
reported*-'that early in the day, they received’! also a laasge'?supply? of
menuand ammunition, which seemed by nömeatas-impfebable,frflmbtft©
frequent firing, and-increased numbersmfipeople distinguishable by tfr©
tcldscope, about-the houses,' and onthei skirts - of tbdr^l^tet,'t«f
The following day displayed the same hostilei.appearanCe’ i with
busy looks, and in' warlike attire, unusual crowds were traversing; M-
and fro the whole of the morning. It was noon, bcfoit tire tonscquaioe!
of this preparation was fully known; then the warrior;.withaal -stout?
heart and full stomach, issued forth to battle; having'’ raisfed* his courage
and his spirits by an ample meal, and copious draughts of chong.
Three divisions advanced, in opposition to the extended forces bf'fhe
foe, who occupied the three villages, situated -between rhe-rTivfer and-
the foot of the westernl mountain; an irregular,■- Jsfow>ldiseh&rgfe -of,
musquetry took place, and was" kept up, with '- little .interrmssion,-. upw
wards of an touir and a half; the Raja’s forces gaining ground, and
driving back the rebels' within their parallels. His troops appeared
also more numerous and confident than-^hey had hitherto-'done,I and,