T IB E T .
ait the t,ama*s hand, the valuable favour of a badge of tlkfi tiihisoih
silJc, over which various solemn incantations had been performed, and
which was in future to secure for ever, my prosperity and sohMssi
Valuable' as the present was, 1 Fear I have •unfortunately lost it. In
the evening, I took a long farewell of all the officers of his court, and
on H&ft following day, departed for Bengal.
I found the Soobah of Buxadewar absent from that station, having
taken up Ms residence in the valley of CMchacotta, for the winter
season, where a temperature of weather prevailed, more mild and cons
genial even to a Booteea’s constitution, than the rude region of his
native mountains. I passed a day with him, for I could not resist his
pressing solicitations; and on the next, I hastened to join the friends
I had left the preceding year, when I departed from Bengal, who had
kindly advanced, and formed a camp upon Galamatty plain, to meet
me. We proceeded together the next day to Hungpore. I soon after
received orders from the Governor General to advance without delay,
and join him at Patna, in the province of Bahar. I had the satisfaction
there to meet him, and to be honoured with his entire approbation of
my conduct in the execution of the commission, which he had been
pleased to confide to my charge. My -official report of the success of
my mission, will ‘be found in the following pages.