bates of thesoverteignwereannouneedwitfrall thepbmp of oriental
the blessings which it had pleased a. gracious Providence t'o'shbwbt
down upon this favoured land. But mark the sequel. :-The cunning
of ithe Assameesy a quality, which no less frequently than ^nihtetitly
«Bs%guishes; the.feeblesfe of all creatures, ^impelled ' therm tb seek re-:.
fugeialTnibdh Inaccessible moufttains and wilds, liffirthe fclsason^of the
rains began;- .tffeyThen poured down in multitudes from their .haunts,
hovered around the imperial army, circumscribed theit rangeland shod'
reduced them to extreme distress both for forage and provisions:' thus
harassed and fatigued, as well by perpetual alarms, as by the inclemency
of the weather, the effect of noxious exhalations from a low and
humid soil was soon added to complete their ills. The robust Mogul,
accustomed to a climate in all -respects sojopposite,. now felt the poison
creep irresistibly through his palsied frame; sickness made alarming
strides, and every day reduced the strongest to a level with the weak.
The necessity of a retreat became too obvious to admit of hesitation.
Already the flower of the Afghans, the Persians, and Moguls, were cut
off; the rest, entangled in gloomy forests, and hemmed in by impracticable
morasses, had no way to escape but by a perilous passage over
long and narrow causeways. In a Hasty flight, bewildered and pressed
on all sides, numbers fell into the snare that had been so long preparing
; few indeed reached the banks of the Berhampooter; and still
fewer lived to cross its wide and rapid stream, and relate the miserable
fate of their fellowr soldiers.
Thus ended an expedition which has seldom been paralleled in the
pompoi» and,expensive st^lf^Sfeits preparations, oritfre injustice of its
ubfBb’te v Iffitrbe the aLm«f©ffcoiS|peWlb!''d)j^tfli'i b‘ andv plunder a remote«
and inofftnsno people.» contents with a«.xfgioti'.'hatdilv suited»to humiit
habltatSqh^^fjat deeded- beheficetit^®i&tpr; has planted with
umaabii$%ts%adap tgd|to its nature,? swhM'Mj tfre1 fate lt^jusfclyk deserves.
Yet the fanatical' zeal; of the, MuMnlman, Mst'©ti^p^wih.o <$ki, aeknow-
dHdpMbWirM^^ff^dppOTMibAhe^fSH^rersJof'tHe faliih, 'Ji^ercifull y
la a d ^ lh e ’s& ^ o o r l^ e ^ e n le ^ 'B e f f l^ 'b n ^ lfd ^ f l li^ d f theifrpEoVid*emiaI
®e'scaptHr enPtlfeJdKw5flM?had^ ,'^kM'thd epit’hets
of Katffir, Bodhf, Sffffaff'’; Infidel's; Devits. : -