The commodiousness of bedsteads, in elevating bed furniture from the
ground, is totally unknown amongst them; it' being their-general Custom
to spread, by way of fed Upfe the floor, a thick mattress,
sisting of two -cushions, the upper surface of both being joined by a
doth covering, which, when they rise, admits their being folded upon
each other 5 by day, it serves them for a seat. Travellers usually carry
this accommodation with them; it is thrown down upon the ground
when they wish to rest; and it may literally be said to be then1 custom,
when they mean to travel, to take up their bed and Walk. A variety
of mechanical, mathematical, and optical instruments, Which I had
with me, attracted the attention of my visitors, by their novelt^, "or
their use.
It was matter of great astonishment to them to view, through a good
reflecting telescope, remote objects, not visible to the naked eye, Imd
to distinguish even their figure, size, and colour. While a part of my
company was engaged in inspecting the new and uncommon objects
which had attracted their notice, the young Lama of Luddauk, with a
good-natured and arch air, seized me by the hand, and, turning up the
palm, attentively surveyed the lines described on it. I submitted to
his examination, with no very serious apprehension from his profound
knowledge of the occult science of palmistry; and he had too much
urbanity to tell me any, but the best of fortunes.
My camp table, and the preparations made for dinner, had a due share
of their notice; nor could this excite wonder, since the European manner
of serving meals, differs so essentially from their own. It is altogether
unusual among them, as far as I can learn, for numbers to assemble
together,,on any occasion, for-ihe*business pfigr^fynpg pbe, 0fj tkßiUfost
intensive demands of our nature,,. [ijhey feve, ,np stated
times for. their mpajs,, bubest ^fepyS^imgerjCijfeUs f$r,gtatifeat|e5ji. Tb
jBontributo|ta relieve tfye.grlwjngs Ofj.thfejt is allowed, indeed, ^
meritorious, act; gand hence tea, affording toitfeir'i^lscelJaneous mode
p£lpreparing sit, mAfihong, or. arra, are swiedi;#
a repast, at all times of the .day;, when first itfe'yyarrive, and commonly
before ibbe-.conclusions. Qfsa visit.’ . I soon| learnt'.to consider
this as a salutary hist tot tedious visitors, life' ilhg<! practice of presenting
attar afp roses, and pawn, = in Ilindostan, by way of signal*
not to prolong their stay. Pawn* is-a preparation of an aromatic' plant
called Beetei, in India,' the Piper Betel of Linnaeus, two orithree green
leaved of which are used as anresveleipe- to cover -a variety of ingredients,
some of a warm, and pungent1*, > others of a rough, astringent
natuicc; together*with a portion ol Kutd, and shell lime;, which luttor
is .added to exalt the flavour, at the same limd that it greatly heightens,
the property which this preparation possessed ol Rising a moie ruddy
colour to the mouth and lips. It is^ll i
Among the numerous excellencies attributed to this compound, it k£
.Ihe cre^t of promoting digestion, of rMfovjn^ffa.tol'^hc.y, an$|><^gm
the highest degree stomachic; it* also^fongly perfumes,-tfevbreath,
impresses a grateful flavoiu on the palate, and b\ Us pungenC) excites
thirst, at the same time that it imparts'tlje ‘highest zest to the giatih
cation of it.
* Tambuli, Sanscrit, See Wilkins’s HeetÖpädes p. 22pv,. '■*.
W Cloves, nutmeg, cinljstaon. ‘ .Soojjaree, ateca cateMa^^ ,
* 4 Terra japonica; inspissated juice of die C ’hadira, a spec|es: of Mimosa.