frame is Rung up till the sheet is nearly dry r if is then taken off, and
suspended upon lines. The paper thus prepared is of a' much stronger
tè^hrè; fhah that of ahjr other countiy wi& which Tam afcqiStafntêff^’
as ifis capable of bemghvoven, when gilt by way of ornament, into
the texture of silk and satins, to which use I have seen it frequently
applied-in the manufactures óf China.5
The seaSoh of Tblrainsy in these regions, is remarkably moderate;
there are fiequent showers, but none of; those hèavy tófrenfs trhich
accompany the monsoon to the southward imBengal; • sb’ that we wéte
seldom interrupted in our exercise both metaling and" eveniifg'; aid-'
the weathei:continued so temperate, that we were occasionally'' hhtBad;
eVen it this season, during every hour of thé day, without éxjmrrerfëing'
any incfóhvemiërtce from the heat of the soft. An equafexpösure',‘hf the
same prt^lé! of latitude, in the low lands, would, most certainly,-ifiot'
have been hazarded with impunity. ■ Notwithstanding
stagrtcint water, confined upon the fields around us, to sustain the
advancing crops, and the abundant vegetation; both on the Hills and
every part of the valley, which philosophers pronounce to bb infallible
sources of bad air, yet we cannot with justice, question the salub^tf !of
this situation;
jfrMng Pm* journey and residence among these mountains j we lost
But one man by sickness, and his death could not fairly be imputed to
the climate. I thought him a bad subject in' the beginning. He was
immoderately addicted to the use of opium; and its inebriating quality,
had given to his features that heated, wild, and fixed appearance,
yrhich commonly distinguishes those who intemperately use it. In the
language of Rengah. persons of .this description mj^distinguished .by
1 he-term Boshtei. thakis.,c«efs'>o‘f.oniuin. v lac h is ecmsideied as a term
of the .highest reproach.
’ .Our walks‘iabout Ta;ssisudon were giQtj'Vci't, butr.wx now
yenthred on o®e, longer, and mpiclaiyirmus than any we had yet taken.
We very early cmaneivbd a desire to visit som&iAAe. highest mountains^
by which the valley was boppded; but it »ap^ared to jhe.jso undertaking, that \\e,Ioug mcditaltd uppm the scheme
before we.executed it. At length, ho w,evpr, the day^ffik fixed and
having taken an early dinne^mdejj|^&a®uroL iuj.c#\eniug plouds, Mr.
,Saunders .and myself set.put up the, e x p e d i t i < > n , s Ox; explpre
what,,new and interesting, objects .thev, niigl^j^^M* as steU, a^ to
Uidqlgo our curiosity, gri contemplating these adtijmible scenes,j on
which Mr. Davis, the companion of <o»r tayek,, wa£ at, thp, §a|n.e,, fime
mQSksuccessfulIy employing.his pet^U^Pi^ubj^pm, inched, in themselves,
are not more remarkable for tljeLngrandeur anyUjjeaii.ty, tliau Jbr
the judgment, fidelity, and taste, with .which he, ba£ .^izecLop and
jtecprded their features. T °^uchi#-5 find.satisfaction m ccpjtemplating
nature, in its most gigantic-and' rudest fOirp, what an inradiaustiRJe
jund of delight is here displayed! Gratij|gati§n waits, prueyemstep,
and the mind is animated with the sublirne&t sentiments, while thefe*
hplder, fascinated with the ever-varying Reapfcies, pauses to en|ay, the
rich, repast, insensible of fatigue, arid turns his t\c wdh. reluctance
from so magnificent' a prospect.
Our route lay by, tjje Raja’s villa, \\ dT.deecJiy, .tyhere we rested
awhile, and drank of the cj§af spring, whiehdfflka|reservoir ..behind