/ilU rfrf'f "'rtf’ ByO O T A N-3 39
acceptance of-the,challenge,' turned" ou^njdje®%th.ex|edit' of our pop
Iiteness,.than fej oiir, eibibhion qffnny superior, dexterity.
.1 ;£3reat part the,yesadhro; amd.;thel>rSesfehr ;day,was enr-s
ployed, in receivingvthe y,isitsi ofyifie'-mhabitahts of,B«xade\vaT, who
came, to take,leave ’previously to my'depafflfife, which I had fixed<for
the*.ne?it,jdiy. .
Early on jhemogmgl of Thursday, the 2i?d^k’VIay^tv,e,weAt to pay
pur last visiktp tfie $oobah. ^M^Mtervieyt was enip'lq^d^h^paj^gies
-for qur,detection, on"1 his-part, ^and.mfadhnov^ledgments jfptfeuf polljg
and, atifn,tiye„|e(^ptjLQp., o,n-min^»,Afte,K,seyeykWoinphmept», we took
a cup of tea,land/the-usual spirituous liquors; , aryl he QOpdpete'd!me
tq- the bottom of-the stairs, where he presented me with a white pelong
haundkeEchief: we then. shop^'Mpds^aspd^partedL
; ThP Soobah was 'about thirty years,of age, of a middifeigstaturq^his
person?good, neither meagre nor corpuleht Ms-complexion; clear, and
not-quite of so deep- a‘ hue. as that! of most?ofiihis Countrymen,, though
they are.all much less-swarthy than the; ay t-ives;ofsBengal. His cQ£tn,J'
tenance was open and ingenuous-;, and if any opinion of the iaten^l
character may he.fbrmed, from,!the-igeheral outline’ and* gesture of the
person, I should.judge him to.possess an artless a-ndihenevdlent.mind.
Easy in his mannets, and graceful^ in his -deportment,: hisiorders; were
delivered inUhe jh-jldest tode^qf voice? totallycexerh-ptlffidni every die;-
tatorial air of authority. . ,
Buxadewartu«aHed'alsqPassaka,js a placerof great nhturalstrength;
and, .being a "frontier station of. these .’mountains,,has been' rendered
* Plate I.