13-2 B O O TA N.
.balçaoiefiiv It is awery roomy lodgment, has à commanding position,
'and .prevents the castle 'from being &eeneVhniat;a small distance.
h i The bridge, of Wandlpore Is; of singulariightness and beauty in '4R
.^gpgiRrâjiae. ••£ aipiappy to «annex a ; view of tins structure*’, -taken
upmuthfespot. by Mr. Diavis,.and comprehending also tsbeihjg^iiy picturesque
seeMryarouhdy&s another proof of ' the tafen*, fidelity, afid‘ta&e,
jwith pfnfife iniÿ firidnd sefeèd on every: appropriate (feature, <$iat^Étkâ
^bg-ehagracfer of tlpispèculiar country. The (bridge dis composed entirely
^3§rïf|p d J^;ucit thè smallest piece ofafeanj or^d^nthèr-tnéltal, th-lei^;
nect it«.parts...T has -three.gateways;lvt)ne.ön each side the river, and
another iéEeoted: in; the • àiæamt%ipon; k pier, ^hich
wedge towards theîcnrient, but is anithe opposite sidea little-éenf^ÿ
below it, ; the eddy, prbdueed hry the re-union (#-thedivided water, has
duownupsItTarge bed of sandj-xai which ig*nws a*4aiie:w iio ^ 4 h ^
flourishes extremely. The gateway on the Tassisudon side, îs alôftÿ
iquafeistpnelaiildii^^withprdjeetmg balGönieSnèir the-tóp-4ofdered
by 4 breast work, and pierced with ia portcullis, The*span'>6f H ë
first bridge, which occupies two thirds of.'the{‘breadth of the :riyf^
measures one hundred;and twelve' feet ^ it ooüeists of- three-parts, two
jades and a centre, dearly equal to êadriuther ; the sides, having a
considerable sjlope. raise tlie elevation df the centre platform, which is
horizontal, Some -feet above.the floor of the gateways. A quadruplé
row.of.timbers, their ends.; being set in die masonry of the bank and
pier, supports the sidés;; thr Scentré part is laid from-one side tö thé
other,; The beams and planks are both of hewn fir: and they are
b Plate V IIK