1 7 2 B OOTANv
character, all circumstances considered, is not very much, to be wondered
tit. Let it be remembered, that, in tiy^ first career of life, by a
contiauapce in a state of celibacy, the Bqoteea is recommended to distinction
; as on the contrary, any matrimonial contract proves almost
n eertain hindrance to his rise in rank, or bis advancement to ofoses
of political importance. Having therefore wade the first sacrifice tp
ambition, and remained long single, in the hope of attaining tp higher
dignities and emoluments; chagrined, at length, by a series pf dfsapr
pointments, if ft bare competency has been jtfa%JBdt of his long s.^|s|*
he withdraws himself from public life t being at
what advanced in—years, his passion for connubial cotujectiwijjis
weakened, and bis natural apathy confirmed. Havipg bpep -detached
by. early habit from society, uninfluenced by ties of dpty 0;L affection
to family or friends, his most prevailing impulse is the Jove of ease;
anrl indolence and vanity at once direct his choice to religious retire*
ment. The multitude flatter with their admiration the. penitential
devotee; and motives perhaps merely temporal, falsely obtain the
praise of exalted piety.
Jt will be obvious from hence, since population is opposed by two
such powerful bars as ambition and religion, how great a diminution in
the number of inhabitants must inevitably’be the result. In fact, the
higher orders of men, entirely engrossed by political or ecclesiastical
duties, leave to the husbandman and labourer, to those who till the
fields and live by their industry, the exclusive charge of propagating
the species.
Having crossed the summit of pomaela, we descended between the
fiO'O’f AN. 17 3
mountains, piffling A ïbfty~pfaSfprCe’1 *of bife reck, ftufti whbsé’ BÉ&
gushed* a copious body of water, which poured dorm rapidly-hesitfe
thdpaffl, and fifti through a little village td the right, HSRt united with
' IStÖtBdr HpnrSft* öä6tJi£Sfsfti'ftgj- A bridge jdst bèloW'ïlïéfr*junction eött*
atittfed a# tb thé opposite* side fand about two miles beyond, having
fcepttidse ib thefrOhftfedsfriathSj we arrived afPalffitösngj wMgfris
distant twelve mites ftomTaSsisudon,whefe a spacisusmangioulsdgM
os for the night. 'The Tibotians were already ihhrei they had pFO»-
ceded US’, and prepared'buttered të^iu düè fdrffi, for Oiif Pefeeptioh
and refrgshtÄL
If iS tfté ’ êtetöffl iö Bbötäfi tWeat Whole? roasted ffoèï'öV'pärg|M
‘gitain, with tea; iö Tibet they fake taalt iheäl, lOdtréèd fitte’ ffoüV,
Whtbh is Slrfrcd about, ahd mixed hr Ére teacup With ari' fvöry iffifep-
•SfÄr ffiis, when hot ifi Use, IS associated with krfothfer, with i krirfe
and toöthpick, änd sometimes ä paiLöfi dicej in 'i Stakll caSh'WhiOb
harigs suspended tb a girdle, and constitutes btlé of tfifiOottStaht ’appeü-
J B p óf the Tartaf dfeSS.
This repast, óf which we all partook t6|ethé^fraSbrtfèd örty fftends
Bèifig iibvïcës to thhr *ÈW*idbÖe 'bfotäkJng' +eä,
: Wë mixedïlfè flÖfflSimpèrffectly,’SO thät when we hega&to^dFiakythe
dry taeal fieW into bur throats, and tafcde ös cough vioIeritlyyHb their
extreme diversion. T h is ßäP^Mjtty, With Sótae fcdfivfeftat-ièn d ii riiir
jOirhey, occupied the time till the ë$OËi$g C'lossd : We thëri pirtètf;
ähd presently after, the tolling Óf~a bell, with ifs> 'lÈrafrdto’n‘éüs‘hüm,
informed Us that ffrs Tibéthtfis had begun their VeSpers.- We sät
for some time, bidding over thé dull1'light OF a 'cftënlgp’OfTémp,