by the ftoMi# appella^ion'of iVor/A-wei<er. It is a-stoi’m;of-extreme
violence, but of short duration; rarely cabling on in the 'open daf>,
or twice during ifanibspnee ifithe'suo, but usuallyicommeneingsaliD’u't
the itinte o£ihWffii®i^ ^iligbfis 1
;t These storms rage with greatest ifts!Ge.between' the; passage1 of* the
sun: from the . vernal equinox to the; summer solsticev- • His vertical
-power then loads tbe »atmosphere, with bumidityf iandthis?action dimi-
nishing as he goesdown, a dense-clbud ad^aneesdfoT&itHeiedgexobtbt
horizon, Whicheis seen to come .-on
it has abained a certain altitude",'when a most str@6^h^W§I^NP|^^
bursts forth at once; with sudden fury, frequently tearing,-up .irises'da jr
AeTodf s, andreariyingtawaybefore mprajp
take up; filling; the whole surrounding atmosphereVwitb obscurity’.
A burst of loud thunder, with -flashes of vivid Kgbtriiwgufcx^sEicceedt;',
which seems to clear a passage for a torrenferof the hetteeshtrainv that
descends with wonderfulimpetuosity. After -this^oommotion tf'tfe
elements, which seldom exceeds half an hour in duration/ has subsided',
a tranquil, temperate season ensues j all . oppression fe'reramngffy and
the air refreshed and cooled: a most grateful close, in this torrid re;-
gioinyfetan intensely hot day.
We weredetained on Wednesday the 7 th of May, by wailihg fdf a
part of our baggage, which had not yet come up from Rungppfe; and
in addition to this impediment, many of the coolies, or porters, had
left us in the course of the night, so that we Were unable to go on until
■ Thursday.:
At iabout ten o’clock in the forenoon of the following dayf having
received, a,reinforcement- toj^ji-rmumbers;from Rungpore, we leffcCalaT
matty|p|ain,)a!nd' half anh®mN-ffter fpa'ssed',Sai|ahaiiry,-crossing a wide
nullah^pEijeree^a^ejirjjjhich was. thrown'-ani Elevated bamboo bridge,
oop^truet^jitponf fe^pdpipps-. r Bamboos resting jn theifork, land co,
.yered: wj^bs#)i%bamh,oos, yvovegrifafo matslj, composed the. platform. It
was-strori^'enough for faQ^passengers;, b # unsafe, as Jshouhi suppose;
|otj carriages;, or On-.t-hefopposite, $id.&iQf;-the .rivep.was anfex-
.,tended.higb bank, wfiiphi had1 the; appearance,©fihaving been, intended
for a line to.fe defence. , ,|t,w^situitedsab.®u6 tsywhundreek- pices from
.the edgesdffthe.hfqllabHj Its sides. fjdsjhpd a->scjuare; ;aridfait ~,£he iexfcremb
tfesfeofithpembankniunt on the side 1 King,the plain, thueseemed to
lathessyestrge^of(two:hastMis;1',\S ^(‘Gontt&fedfcbniaiwa^ passing at
J^nsby-iQotneyi nullah,r-and^tcrwards-jcame?*to -Mungialhautpai large
manufacturing, tqtvn^ twe/ve mdestffto®, lEafamatty^fsitoatcd ,on .the
^pthg srdd, of ,t-hf:r>er JQurlah, which* di^desRthe^d&teiot« of !,Cqqch
Bahar from 'fhafeof Rhngp0le.-crThe<*inh|^ita,ptspr6f.JVIungulhaut seem
IP .pay^iorecaitention,. to' the <c^mib^^di^Hmp^owisnessi <^lhwg,
India-.; “,T heir ihojnseftf .cone-
i&QPprf q | mats, b^erted JiajiihAPs Wero*n'eatJy tbateh^,
#b4r-;e^f.hf ha4 %a^>qrtlop; oncir4,e4.^itb! a,bamboo^ pidfeaife-
NHH ^ th e
jiyg&44$ ^hj§nog.jWe> iferried^i^s^jithd^camped cat Ghiddildow,
upon fh? ^ ^^febank.^W esaw many.bMts of Iargp'burthen upon
flYeri ^hi^l^added loi.-th^tr.iking- neate^^^pd,. regularity ,of the
town, gave if anPi^of^hdiistrƒ' ar?d eraffi^^^He^e'|f,tf^ cloths [
understand ^ |^ % ^ fp i,g t^qnin|G^ty ;$nd thg; -/u^y^, l&emost