.house, memorable for the birth of the present Teshoo Lama ! it was
named Keesoo. His father, an uncle of Dalai Lamas, his mother, and
also the infant Lama, I was informed, were then residing there,
We halted this evening at Tsondue, three-and-twenty miles from
Dukque, and within an easy day’s journey of Teshoo Loomboo, The
glitter of the gilding hetrayed the tops of some of the edifices, as thé.
sun shone obliquely upon them, but we could mot, oven with our
glasses, distinguish much more.
The. following morning, however, our guides were determined we
should be there early. We were disturbed dong before the dawn,
though we had to travel only a distance of about ten miles, and
toreb-light mounted our horses, so as to arrive at Teeshoo Loomboo
just as the sun was rising. If the magnificence of tho place was to be
inrrpaspH by any external cause, none could more superbly have
adorned its numerous gilded canopies, and turrets, than: the sun. rising
in full splendor directly opposite. It presented a view wonderfully
beautiful and brilliant; the effect was little short of magic, and it made
an impression, which no time will ever efface from my mind.
We ascended by a narrow street through the middle of the monas*
tery, and were conducted to very splendid apartments, bright with gay
colours, and situated in the centre of the palace, amidst a profusion
of gorgeous finery. At the instant of our entrance, we heard the deep
tone of many sonorous instruments, which were summoning the religious
t® their morning orisons.
T I B E T . pp
C H ^ E T E R IV.
Message o f Compliment and Congratulation Jrom the Regent, and
Soopoon Choomboo — Custom a}, presenting a whi.tekSc((rf Ur-'-favourable
Tokens of a friendly DispmitiQn.—PreparMiQnsJm'. hur
Meception-^HaU of Audience—Lama'st Throne.— Ihtr'oductiom &
ike Regent-—The Regent's. Assurance of the Identity ‘oflhe Lama '
\r-hts Friendship for the Governor General in his pre-existent Stalk '
r—Attention and Respect paid him at the Court of China— Ki&Ftisger
iteration acknowledged by the Emperor—Satisjaction derived from
the Receipt of the Governor General'b Dispatches^—Projected^ Rer
moved ofthe Lama to TerpaMng— the,Monastery prepared far, his
Reception— Tea—Dismission.—Sketch'pf the„ Person Manmr*-^-
Dress of the Regent,— Bells, a Summons to Devotion.—Wbik%
Soopoon Choomboo.-—Emperor of China —Influence - 4 # Votary, \(f
the Tibet Faith.—^Vmbas—Jaspos,— Gesub.:Mimbochay— DaM
Lama—S o o p o o n Choomboo, Sadeek—honoured by the diatinydUied
Attention and Favour of the late Lama—promoted by.iHtiiEmpfror
__his Character held in high Estimation—important Period in ike
Annals pf Tibet.— First public Tribute of Acknowledgment and Mo-
giance to the regenerated Lama— Preparations for- his Removal from
Kylee to Terpating— Offer to attend the Ceremony.—Party proceeds
to e sc o rt the Lama—Homage paidbyhis Fa tanks on the Way—