pf covering their columns, the carved decorations, of their capitals, and
even their doors, with a coat of coarse cotton cloth, which seems, in
some degree,, to prevent wood-work from being rent in sunder. The
few articles of wood, trunks, and boxes, which I had with me,would
often startle us, in the dead of night, with a report as loud as that of
musquetry. This continued, without intermission, till the glue had
intirely quitted its hold, and no longer kept the joints together, which
had been previously softened by the humidity of Bengal, so that they
were now ready to fell in pieces. As fer as I could judge? timber, in
this climate, seemed subject to. no other Injury from time; but was
equally exempt from the silent depredations of decay, and the more
active violence of any species of des tructive vermin.
'■c ’d H A PTfc S VIII.
ïso'cctl ApfMalwÊ'ofTibet— Stricldh on the Religion—>Usë öf musical
Insir&rrienls irvtheir sacred Sêwicés^Córwpcirisoré with Ike Hitido’od
— Assemble in Temples for the P:érfd¥nlahcè%f^Wgiïïus>rDutïès-^
Lama, the sacred Superior—Gradations' in* the sacerdotal GlSss—
~ Gylorig— Tokba— Tuppa-—Establishment of Ike Monastery—Interdictions
o f the religious Order—JVbise and Pomp of their1 reli-
•’ giouis '‘Ceremonies-— Kugopea— Habit o f the Priests— Yellow, the
distinguishing 'Cbfaiirfdbfil by thereof Gyllbbfijiix^bf'which the
' Superiors are Dalai Lama— TestÊrO ÏArnaJ^Tarëahdal Ea,iAa -Sj
- Med, By thé Shdriür^Ldrïï Rimbochay '^Ldin'Sbifrorr JfatoSXg*
narngfii—-Land Gkassatoo— their Conlenliiks^Prèvdiencé of the
former:— Humane Trait in the Charkcter of the Tibetiafaff-Tribiite
of Reëpêct paid to ike Dead— F e s t i j irVHêhóuf Of ifte Dead—
■ superstitious Practices — sanctioned and performed by the Class
devoted to Religion.— Omens.— Calendar o f Time—Cycle of twelve
Years.— Art of Printing.
T he country of Tibet is called by the inhabitants Puë, or Puëkoa-
chim; a title) which, as they toïtf fiëj' 8 rdétived' fröWI&Ei signifying
northern, and Koachim, wuw,* that is, snowy region of the north.