r/if/k r/ Murichom. Forrt'he Best -explanation-df its co^§tfuction, I refef' to ithe
annexed plan and sections,' pphstfucted from' a*mteasurem-ent of the different:
parts. Phte:III. A- perspective’vbW 'ef<4f;''.and‘ the‘adjacent
«cwnery^is1 givsnvin Plate IV. ■ -t
,/vOnLy brief hofse is. admitted tp.go,os'Er.iifcjat a time: it'swings- as yon
tread Upon itj reacting atrthe same time with a-force that impels you,
dVteity step you take,- to’iqbicken youivpaee’. It ,rniiy-bp%ib'cessary -to
|^yyii$ie?sjfenationof-tMtpla#i, that-oh’the five chains^Eat support
the'platform, are placed several layersfof-Wrdng-cdakse ifrats ofbam-
beo, loosely put down, sip- as".to play with 'the swingof thb *BrMf^<• and
that'a’fence tin each side, of the-l^fe'ifeaterial^eofe-iM^^to the
security of the -passenger^ A simila-r^ik^e,- ovbn.fM river Tees', is
desSplM by HiflchinsSn^n^his History $#fl Anff<^lefcildF-Durham,
“ About two miles above Middleton, whdre the river falls im repeated
cascades, a bridge, sufpendedyofriron chafts, fs ^tretched'Jrom -rode
to rock, over a chasm near sa-xty >Mt deej^Moriffte passage of travel
fors^ but particularly Tor miners^ the bridge'!? seventy-feel-in %n^h;
and little more than two- feet broad, with" a'-hand-rail on-©he' s-Me,' and
planked in sucte a manner that fhe trav-eliesb ex-perie'nsfes! al-1 theb#e-
mufous-motion dflip.chain, and sees himself1suspended byerjafjioaring
gqljph, on ana-gitaied restless ga$gwa!y,-do-which-few travellers dare
- The-oastle of f»huka makes ■ aVfe-iy -reSp'ectahib ajapba-rahee:' It is
a large‘square buikliflg, -placed on bfevatM grourM^i; there is only One
entrance 'ihto it, &y a flight hf:steps,-and-tbrbo^h] a spacious'gateway/
with J arge Jheavy-'dboins: -it' is- built-of stone,- and-dfee, walls-a-reof