ginned' together.. by jarg&wpodefi pegs.. - Tiiis. is; all the fastenings?
epujd, observe ; it1 is secured by a nea,t light, rail. The bridge frdf^
the pier to the hill, is horizontal, and the beaS^Sffit on the pier,, and on
a triple rowpfejafoabei?»-let;into? the ^a^k>: it hgsi,ai,p^nthp)ise’0Mler‘it,
yybiphftis covered with shinglesl .{■ ■ 'fjie^sound! ‘state o£ this bridge, sis' a
striking instance of the durability of; the; turpentine fir
application of any composition in use fdrrfch%preservationhof wood) it
has stood exposed’ to the changes of,the seasbns’ferineaB k^efowryj and
a haifioa^i tradition) gaesj without exhibiti@gxany'S>hpptojnK’®f; decays
dr sdfering’any injury from!die’weather.
Qur baggage arrived early in th^tmoming, and we .enjoyed1,.'with
much relish* a hearty breakfast.; The rest of the- morning-wasr passed)
in a visit, Jo the Baja;, who condoled withifiiij-on the; badHes^of the;
weather and toilsef eur journey : indeed:.hej himself seemed,' not jter-
festly to..ham rdsevefedvtt'Om- his.-fatig.ute:!;.ldjefo3®§9mmended to- us;/
after resting awldfe,, tov amuse our^elvesifc by rambling;' wherever wei
pleased» . Qur. conversation'was ohieftyi'&grossedi bweh
country, and; by-inquiries;, reflecting what it might contain worthy our
curiosity. So.* little; informed as .these, people fohj,j®nsts»bjp£fc '<£ naturah
history, I was nofcdisa|^inted' ha)rOcewm^feo,satisfaefonyi itepl'yi.;>> ^
These extensive ranges* of iaoutotafes' pidbabJy etmfoiic afoiessfc
haustless store of the richest mineralst; hut while’ they continue rat
the possession! of a people, ignorant themselves« asndi unwailii^ to;
permit others; to; explore them,, their treasures must foh feHeEitemain
buried in obscurity» TheiRaj,a, mentioned! to,' foe ■» mediciriahhot, spring
somewhere,«! the neighbourhood; but it was;tod distant, and the road