From Chong an ardent spirit is obtained by distillation, here termed
Arra, which is fiery,,and powerfully'inebriating.
J A pparatus üsgS for the distillation of A rra, from the liquor
termed C h o n g . !
A. An earthen vessel, in whichthc prepared Chong is placed immediately overtiie-firc,
B. Another without a bottom.
C A smaller earthen vessel, which is % recipient. ' _
D. An iron bason filled with cold water, renewed .occasionally as it grows warm,
may be termed the condenser.
fe e Three cross staves of wood on which the recipient is placed.
The junction of the three vessels A, B, and D, befog secured with cotton bandages
and clay lute ; a fire is lighted under A, which contains the Chong. The spirit arises
through B, is condensed, upon the convex bottom of the bason D, and the spirit Arra
is received into the smaller vessel ,C.
' ƒ The fire-place, gggg Openings oyer the fire for the reception of a similar apparatus.
In- t t e ^ f t &r a o t i r ^ . o uTf a ? p a n t y , q^fioOteeas having been
sent to||riqg d|?overIthefegeep-and frf(fe|.way:'- The,
elephant followed:soon dftekl'nnii h> tij.c^ui^n’stoili.'.hintii^ for the load
s^roedl'i]nt‘S0mfeJiplae^-tootma'Froyv^e^en'dbp'thgjsafe passage, of'a horse!
Our! ere ati|dn^th>ptt^hefcfa MuWiy-itiv gre&t^ffif ulty j'Jfjitiiskpia
w'as!• SEhiiSelyl soil*! ,©'ffo‘Ugh -upon ' to admi,|^^^pi®l‘; Thejl.
afforded ^Vtlbjectrdf to1- the' croy'clsJoFilJciotfceas -tltatp’were
contijtlually assqmb&sfg to
A,krp$g* simif&rhy'of feature- run-through < Kc ' p 1‘e^Vaec.^TEtcv
_ hre much" fairer*an‘4 mfste rqtu^haiaMeir
with bro^er,lfedi@se and ih^her^h'd^^nbsi fS’o^ wide a 1 different^'
indeed is indent between tfre^uhd^idtial|6^tofchfltoati sjadcMs^-that- *
were a'~stranger>t6 -de'sifeofefb^'g^e -‘arf agititep- ^ them,’when
placed together-, he- V^dld%d4;He^ii^t||6-;p$9rf6i^G^itl|em ‘natives of
regions ’fhe remotest from Vach other,- ai|d.ij@ul'd nev%r7siLdp6se that
they belonged'to- a- cbhti^lf^Soil. •
; In the evehmg»w&mlde,aivisit^tdTheiStih47ah^-(|iq3i®idew,sr, whd
advanced to the entrance oft h,is ,'hpartmfeti^to|^ettiV'e>'us jrtwh'dh, in’
conformity to the custom of BojSah^Tpreseritccl! iHvlfrt$pcR>hgdijTuD
kerchief: he^gave me- oM in return, aqd sjhe&k’hand^'ass ihc'eTfelunge.-,'
was made. We advanced1, and took ^ouiM&afa iji'hia wasa#K^r)|jnVhe .
comerof the room,-close under; aywindow :;;h(erie(heYs|ll6^M^iJt%dotHs|
oh a'scai let cloth, having a. squajdlpife^-'of?y.gens skin iw^eacentrej
spread upon a stage of .wood, which was elevated«; abouts a*' foot. from ■
thq floor. Qn hisiright hand was a^vifeei vts&vEi containing i,iire of