1 Jf B O O T A 1if..
p a rtj^ whether Jhf» wished: to secure
k&fi -|jn«hhh to ^heir (£$use, I, canmpjt ppetepji is^y-j
x»!^ P ^ k &k $&&&$$$£ 'A.%f days ;oply
before the mpIpEe^ I r^cfij^yed from the ^oqigpQpp of Wandipoie, who
‘ wasjat thy head of the rebellion, a gMg&gnfcajj fcuits,; with % yqryfllnd-
.sooie congratulatory letter, regxqttipg that urgent business at .presqnt
preyentqd jus seeing .ope, who had- cotRfi from so gi'eaf .a (distance,,,and
TB^hp belp^sid.jto- actio n , % jw&fih he entert^i^4 .the highest,,estoe.m:.
His,,se|y^^ haying performed thjeir pqmmis§iopTjpiped faiia as^he^as
advancing,, ^nd I had Cerf%to iufprnjarion, that- th§y syere> afaegg the
nuptbera, iflpw occupying, thq conquered village^ ;iq $ $ ^Onfch. A miff.
forcement to the insurgents, shewed thqinseiycs upon the brow eha hdl
to the §outh-west, which the pickets in that quarter eifectp&lly opposed;
and for the present prevented their junction; at, the samo instant two
parties'marched from the castle to the attack of the village, in which
the insurgents had- taken post ; a measure which I-considered- to he
meant BaerieJy as a diversion- Both divisions* with some roterva 1 be*
tween them, advanced at first full in front of the villages, btfc as- they
drew near they divided into small parti®, and crept slowly along, shel*-:
tering themselves behind, hanks and- bushes- The use ofvtbe hoW and
matchlock,-on both sides, at first was very slackhut the Raja’?-people
commenced,, after a while, a pretty smart fire- T-he- rebels- seemed
careful of thqir ammunition, using it sparingly; and not choosing to be
drawn out of their, post, they remained almost completely concealed,
except that now and then a Booteea would start up from: behind a.
wall, which flanked-the-lower village,,andBrandishing.his sword-, shout
B - O o t A N . H I
With ah, mi# dE id^ftameec Tfeisito#t of distfaW skii^mish'cbhtlh^cf'fijr
wme rime 5;, oift toe Rajas people gradually adrahced rill' tfeey had arrived
wirinto a>bow‘stot of-riih^illage&v whWtley paused', an® sgeriied
this dBssgnj the-insurgents sudldehiy ssflifediottfafetd* toade fihetti pto^-
cipitatoly Ml feShk,' Jo- that tito/weSf in4ft®^,'ifti¥''th#l® -bfiteday,-
to I d s e p r - a t - - d i s t a n c e ; yet a part yof the R ^ fs’'^tridh a’
feint of isioiMgtW »eh#fi^fltoWS!ra#h-fila^W®e Sank' of fhh btitfer'
thro, which the insur'graits' Seemed nob 'ySftS.feVb-parried1;
were sufficiency aiertv to defeat-fhe^aftom^t-nf the'-Ktyafissts, by rifichdiy
and-eBcctttal opposkSo®- Th&'RajS's-feritoSk AiS ‘tfee'^eyshi^- hlbi#,'
reteeatorito their quariors, feavtog- thd'MeiiiyV W&&5 Weie"r3Ht®hed?nto;
be three ot four hundred strong,' masters!-!)f the? fieFd1.- BUtofKerMhy
did not -Close without soffic' -blnedshMl TM'efe Of the wdundhd'^ere
btojtghf to Mr. Satisders; two Of theih, fhO'D^to^'o^ffikifffifhf tfe¥
hpitsCvandi anoth^'yoMgtoah, wgfe-Sfet® ^fii‘hfrhW^--'{h#Md
tte%tf^«iha tfeit^iaiid the1 t M i # W s ^ o u H i f ji^^mbiffSfSie
elboWf poihtidg UpWft¥dS; Hd- eMhavbtMdb:|# ^ f ^ oihFfBB'-frffiWf
bM the barbs eatohglihg in:*ife SinhWs, 'fh&sh&fe atetfe^SSS? aWSJPVWHr
the; effirrt, Wfedil!inettotly Sizing # knife3 by ftt's-
ybnfh* eiti a deejjFiSHlMi',1 apP Wfth bis'‘©WW »hand file
TlKy were all fffiptoSsbd with aSfrbng dread! <tt^)68SMi!f^Tit,ifli-#liriSs
they a^{#fehen'diiti: the hfiadS1 of‘'ffie?aMiws wfiSRertfeeH charged, toil?
they pretended to be already sensible of its cbrfbdmg'p'ahgs: ’They
s u b m i t t e d 't o be5 ifresSecf, e&jjmesilng little napn“er life, wftetf