1 The Yak of Tartary d, called Soora Goy in Hindostanv and which l
term :tiie:bùshÿ4aUed buirof Tibet, is àbôüt lfie ; height of an -English-
Biu.11, which he resembles in the general figure öf»thé bódy, head, arid
legs. I could discover.bëtween them- no essential difference, .except}
Shat f thé! Yak* is' covered-all over with a-thick ; coat of long hair;
The -hecfdfis »rather ' short,11 crowned* with * two - smooth roundhórrisy
which, 'taperingfrom the root- upwards] terminate in' sharp- points- ;
they are-arched inwards, bending - towards each óthêiy but near the
extremities are a little- turned back. ' The ears are small : the forehead
appears-prominent, being adorned with much curling hair : the eves
are full and large : the nose small and convex : the nostrils small : the
neck short, describing a curvature nearly equal both above and below :
.the withers-are high and arched. The rump is low; over the 'shoulders
rises a thick muscle, which seems• to be the same kind of protuberance
peculiar to the Cattle of Hindustan,'»covered with a profusion: of soft
hair,-which, in general, is longer and more copious than-that along.the
ridgeof the back to the setting on of the tail. The tail is composed of
a-prodigious quantity-of long,'flowing,-g-lossy hair; and' is so; abundantly
well furnished, that not a joint of it-is perceptible ; but it has
much the appearance of a large cluster, of' hair artificially, set on : the
shoulders, nimp, and upper part of the body, are-clothed with a. sort of
thick-soft'-wool ; - but the inferior parts -with-straight pendent hair, that
/descends‘below the knee ;. and-I-have seen it so long in some cattle,
which were in. high'health and condition, as to trail* upon} the ground.
From the chest, between the legs-, issues aflarge pointed tuft of straight
d Plate X.