Innumerable are the advantages attributed to its »use; in shorty it
seems one of those highlysesteemed hmuries,' which the lovers of: cold
water are well entitled to appropriate to themselves, and are particularly
prone to indulge iii/- Nor-is it surprising, from its reputed good
qualities, that it is held in the highest estimation, both amongst the
humblest,, and the most exalted ranks in society. _;It is invariably
offered on. all occasions of ceremony and compliment, in. India, by. the
host to his-yisitors; it most commonly, as was observed before, is*vpro-
duced immediately before the conclusion of a visit; f so?*faat the sguest.
always considers- the call for attar and pawn, .as the immediatetprelude
to. his dismission, mid, of course,-prepares to take iusdeay^thie
moment it .is presented. -
. .Such a length of time had been occupied in this, and my first-visit,
that the evening was rapidly advancing when my company departed. ■
Departure of the Regent—his Desifê to- travel unobserved.—Egypt—
Eunuiii^-Singhi.-^Us^of the Symbol of the Liort in Tibet aftfEgypt
...—superstitious Regardfor. celestial.PRaznomena— Skill in Science^1
Bigotry—Court of China—Spectaclesi foóthé Entertainment of the
Ldma—Soomeroo.—Coincidencewilh the Hindoos ihscientifcKnow-
v ledger—Benares esteemed the sacred Seat of alhhuman .Eearning^—
•;v ïTeshóo Loombooh—Geographic Site—particular Description jffj
Plain ofTeshoaLoömboo—Skigaiuee-jeüng-^Luddauk-—Cashmeer
—.JVipal— China—Russia;—Siberia.—Abruptness of'the Hills'^
. local Effect.-^Vortexes of Wind.—Rock behind' TeshoerLoambb'o—
View from hence.—Perhampooter-^-Megna—Pudda—Sundrubünés
hampooter.—Seasons in Tibet.—Meat preserved by-theAclioh of
intense Cold^Usecfwdressed’Meat^SheepAheinViMttefanFood,
Raiment, andiWs>4~0irymesmof the'Atmosphere msTiketmPrè-
cautions used against it.
T he following morning, long before the dawn of day, tho.Regent had
quitted the gates of the; monastery,' to1 commence his march; It is
deserving notice!-that great men in Tibet, as well as in Bootan, aré