the water, as ifeij^iingtoSÖ I fed 55: arid there is;.* a merit ip/givirig
them a'supply. •’ ThèyaSsdmble round the Hindoos when "performing t
their ablutions; and, as they are by the strictest -law. guarded from
destruction near the-scityof Muttura,yfhfeyiha:^ .beeri;giridfid, as it
werè by instinct';to .Crowd tortshddnity, ashb a= safe resort,
s^fgt long after we had passed by the herd of monkies, we fell in with
the road which led ■ usdrom Tassisudon, and passirigbelow the castle
of Symtoka, arrived at our habitation between six and Severn:* Upon
our retain we beard the report oft a recent victory which; had been,
announced, in the afternoon, by guns fired from the.castle. The next
day; visiting Tasse-Zooropoon, I learnt that the last remaining remnant,
of the rebels, had been overtaken by the Raja’s forces upon the banks
of the Taantchieu,-where they had just pitched their tents, and were
preparing :to regale themselves, when first ‘ discovered. They were
instantly.attacjced and gallantly defended themselves,• until the a$K
pearance of very superior numbers induced them to betake themselves
to flight. The chief, with most of his adherents, escaped; ;but his
Zempi lost Ms life in the affray, being transfixed with two.arrows ; one
entering Ms temple, the other Ms throat. 'His. head. and right hand
were immediately cut off, and carried in triumph to Wandipore,
R eturn 'of the R a ja to T assisu don -^ ou r .V isit to him— ahxietytl to
& hear) our'opfiii& d'&ftihis favourite-,'Sea^-dkpieas'e<l\. th at ‘we-cwert
,-\refusediadm ittance^—rCckah o f -what appeared\ peculiarity striding,
— / / n marked approbation o f M r D a d s <— Bu \,a 'iSoobp-hi-^
A B uffoon.^-E lectrical Machin<$—M echanic' turn of, the R a ja—*
. ' medical > G enius.^Jpecacuanha.— W andeechy’.—kffdtal a cc id e p ttq
.: our Gamp Eqmpage.-rr^Tibet D o g s.nrrEnter,tainment a t tfie filia l
- &— M arvellous Stories o f the R a ja— o f a lEfifeantic ^racefitf Men
; -d-ofP ebp lew ith T ails— o f Unicorns.r— T he.R aja's, Rilgrirpqge, to
the sacred Shrine o f Pootalah-— Temple o f W andeechy.-^Repfist
/cir^ R kllS E $gh ii—R eturn o f the R a ja to the Pcddqfi-rsSMfis'senge^f
jj fro m T ib e t—D u rg a Pooja.— The great A utum nal F qsjivakof .the
| Hin4@V$‘^J2w&&u^Tl&walL.
S o m e ^‘dayfe elapsed s before j -die • Raj a. mtufetiedl: to. Tassl^rid^ . He
came,.a.ttended with Iittlepomp and but few folio weT^andterpejed1! the
palace soon after Suwrise... His* approachwas indicatedY-byjsumeltras-
heaps of fire smoaking by-the.road side ^a-'tokemof respect"paid,-in
-this region,-:to every great personage,-by the inhabitants bordering ou
the^ road, by* which >-lie -passes, .andipeiRufoned; with.- more; Attentive
care, when they mean to do honour to'tiheir c'ffie'f.'S In rthe course of