T WEHatM ■ srs
dence-at Pootai^i, T > o 051 and Kharku. This Veet prevail
p^i'-ithé grgalêsitpai|t t^^Ri^t^jaiiàjaiclivisioj'i ot the ,î}is. said to
heiestafel ished in a;prjfejhcKdftthêî®ejel^cèalpâ!' Sbtttffa or S'er-rora.'^
In like -manner,; tfereeaLapaas 'also^£rI*im’ llu-nli»; luVs, l-âm':\Sobiort
Nawangnajnghi, anddfam’^tihkssâtoa^resid'e»iJhciS iianvmar : dièse
hayeg their m'sidenc^m .BeoteoT, [Î3|t5^ a ïa® ^ ÿ i1a$ t he
Ümi èqciTe?ste:n|? of, tha%ihu$t^®^%nm^|ea^; distahem fibm .c^i^jiliur.
rl fie pnncipal oL ^q^hammài: mgI in Tibcty isr-,trj ludion gseJTCïrübôj
chay, and has hisae^kjencoa’f ^‘aki-a^, 1 j
^{yi]eat ;çontenlions -forraçrl^j.prevailed|©ètw-een t^fcyllbokp'a1’
and Slrçnmar;. aM|j in ?afifciem '-iir^es;’the.yÿtes'is »rfipoafteetw shave
enjoyed the most extensfvlrpôwer. Khumbauk a< hnowledgedfcte doctrines,
whilst’ thosej of j the-'Gy llookpîÿwerel ) settfedllp:1 Hnmftbkd lhe
monasteries of -both, wud promiscuously- scâUeicdïovt r-frhei fAè'bF tfie<
country,-')tjsll>t length theiinhlbiîahtÿhof 'fciljnâukjplil’ 1®ylfbokp af >
assembling f&gëther a mighty army, staged waSnâgaifjsC thc»SfeSwîâè't'
of Khumbauk, the Sharnmarband,-drove- them-from thèirïpdsseS'sicrhihirï
Various quarters, more.particularly hom th<^aï^glibouihoXid'of<Têsfel()<^
Lopmboo, tth^se they .were $faerf fixed ùrvgreaâ nunftïÉFs* aUdr-wheiV
they finally established their own authoril^|y^Bhe;iGfyïfe^pa'rhawirig
thus displaced thqfr opponents from tbqh|§trbn|^it post, where they KM
formed a large settlement, now razej^ifgO'the igsoundj ârfi left« nsfeaiï
habitation standing : but from the ruins* arôs'è tJSemfc^ as tiny lo,f Toss 1 o'oi
Loomboo. AftçrJ it^^tgj)Jisjitae|iti^.he -«sujieriorifcj&oê[Feshbo-jLap®
lÉÊS firmjy fijeedu' and,thq,power 'olj'|the? Gyllopkpa' -soon-attaihediits
highest ascendendpigi1 consequence q£ t-hd!Tfhperoi'fctfChMà-s- having IM P