same intercourse of commerce and éoiirèspondenco,--so essentially calculated
for the benefit of both countries. In consequence, of these'-
sentiments, the Lama and thé Regent of Teshoo Löömboo addressed
tho- létte%_wMch Pö€a*iBghe^had the honour to deliver to you^
Translations of these letters, having applied for them to your Persian
translator, in obeisance to your directions, I now subjoin, viz.
From Teshoo Lama.
u God be praised that the situation of these' countries is inpSace
and happiness, and I am always praying at the altar of the MostHigh
for your health and preservation; This is not unknown. You are
certainly employed in protecting and assisting the whole world, and
you promote the good and happiness of mankind. We have made' no
deviation from the union and unanimity, which existed during the'
time of the first bf nobles, Mr. Hastings, and the deceased Lama; and
may you also grant friendship to these countries, and always make me
happy with the news of your health, which will be the cause of ease
to my heart, and confirmation to my soul. At this time,-as friendly
offerings bf union, and affection, and unanimity, I send one handkerchief
oné kitoo of silver, and one piece of Cochin.
" Let them be accepted.’?'?r,;
From the Regent o f Teshoo Loomboo.
“ God be praised that the situation of these countries is in peace and
happiness, and I am always praying at the altar of the Almighty for
your health and preservation. This is not unknown. I am constantly
employed in promoting- ant ago. of thu subjects,- 'and,Arbi soi vice
’bfi theimeWl^E seated* Lama^itfe'Ass^llh^tewlyMsé^ tis yuiy.
distdnéfr froixBSritteid^^^^Je^ h^à.nA the, iqjeheadjis
exalted. Gnanfi ^Wufefomudshrp tOf$0o14U111 idi'ecrçitMy,cm?,.and maintain
unions and unanimity* and ailoction1, ljh^,'tkdiistydw1obj!k?eraril'-eyeiy
day mafcme»happys1%4thei news of ytftÿÔliîMlÈhi a n d v p t y ;
bestow las ouisjdo tlie lirsuol rfoblcs and iNjIdymo h tppv. \\ 11I1 latci*,
whjp^aSe the. -capse, ojj||0j^l£tipn.., (
- ■“»•At thisi time, as. u p i |Î0nÉ and,
unanimity, I send;Ot|e<k^pdkei©,hciftl 11 flüj]aybb.golc 1* und one mi,<s£.
of Cochin is. J
1 i h Lot them bosaçèepted.” v .
■ ^Pb'orungheer, having tdfervgd th^diSj^.tl^fa-|ii';thdRhgifining.of
October, after a residence of f i -Ikit,, TeshodvJiobml/^^^o-k
leave bf the Lama, and thei-Regeny ànd.s'et outiüpofrsîiis ré
the same,route hé came, to- Bengal,
The weather, at this seasénAof thé>yèa¥, being'pxtfqmelÿ fabSufatMi
for travelling,* he experienced; fié^delay or interruption, id the> coursé
of his journey through Tibet ’air<| Bootany but- arrived at? Ruugporg
early in December, Whence he-proceeded- as expeihtihusl^^aiSfpp's.sil'ié
to the presidencysis:Hèrej to his great mortificationyaStd concernjthf
finds upon his arrival} that his affairs are involved jiv gréât- distress, ri
The little territory his adopted Chela was left imïèhriâgej'pf;. hiving
during his absence been .violently .invaded by Raaj Ghundji atippigh-
boujing Zemeendar, and;to the amount offifty; begas, forcibly' takes