N A R R A TIV E, be.
B E N G A E .
C H A P T tffe ' I.
El Me,,Ganges, near, BdalmK^a^tvef atkvMuKgpme^Ctilamatty^
Tuffootl^ oA.tr^mehdou^0^Cfkef^J^ur^ulhaul, respectable fSr
Us Mamfactorp.^Zeenkaubs.^irsh K i^ bfi theoM^tains of
Boo tan., Gooch- Bahar ^^iBunghtqCfy^fyigular» Cusiom in this
District—extensive Wdods^pBrnitibi tsf^^ g ^ 'M e rW ^M ' Eli-
ph ants—Ping-apples, ppes'enfyAbundartce.of^^MiM^dMcii'od ihfo
India.—'Inroad- of the Moguls-int'o Assdm^ft%i,mfHhzinvMers'.'—
-. ■1 Chickacolta.—^Frantierl of lBootan. : s
- T he beginning gf-the-year
strufitions,, and left Calcutta, £b ex^fcwe^hdsfe^c&wfei'^lt^aisJifiifnist'ed
;to my care. Lieutenarit Samuel if-avis, and-Mi. Robert* SaUncler)9,,(^ 6f6
ihcludeddnj thelcbmmissicm.'withjy^dchib'wasi h»n$uledfj a i^ appointed
to. accompany mej .(she^nier,^ the> &ttef