by its hospitable keeper, who had spread carpets bh thé gtotirtdj and made
seidr preparations for our refreshment. His hospitality was highly
acceptable. Our Tibet friends gave a preference to the buttered tea ;
but we chose the infusion of riCe, and drarik deeply front a Caüldfóft
of it, aronfld which we sat ttpon the sod. Out* grooms, and ófher
humble attendants, imitated the example, forming different groups, in
whieh their cops and pipes very cheerfully circulated.'
This halt afforded as an opportunity of reviewing the way Wé had
passed. Though there was an astonishingly dëep hollow between, yet
we could plainly distinguish the path that led us yesterday over the
top of Pomala; and tire large monastery above Symtoka, seen from
Tassisüdön, was also visible. - On the Opposite side lay the Vafley of
Paro, exhibiting a most luxuriant verdure, not unfrcquently broken by,
the appearance of populous villages, whilst the river Pat chieu glided
through if, lfl a variety Of picturesque and beautifiil Windings.
We put up our cups, and-rose to descend towards Pafo,'our
companions the Tibëtians having now smoked their pipes, and disposed
of the last dregs of their tea, as well as 'the rich skum that
floats upon its surface: this is usually blown aside in drinking, to
be mixed With malt meal, and well kneaded with the fingers into a
found ball, by way of conclusion of the feast. We proceeded some
distance before the castle came in view: it Was situated near the foot
df the mountain, about nine miles from Paimaitoüg, overlooking and
commanding a bridge stretched across the Patchieu. It is a handsome
square building of Stone, ornamented in the centre with a
gilded canopy, in the manner of all the Raja's palaces. This is
considered as one, though 1 do not understand that-the present Raja
ever visited it! | | -
The governor efthe district, styled'Pare Pile, has his residence here.
•This po'st is at-present; hel,d Jay. a^biaiheAf Jtbe,.Jj)$eb’s; he-was absent
from his station, having set Out, l Was* informed, a few day&.bbtbre,
<o:Tassisudon, to celebrate the.great festival, ag well as for the same
purpose which leads all the other chiefs'at tfriS season t© th© capital,fo
acknowledge their vassalage, and vender an account of-the revenues of
thdip difiemit - districts* His-jurisdiction is of theArst importance in
“Bootant it extends from the frontier of Tibet t® the horder-s of Bengal;
to ©ftlimcotta, adjoining-iothe’tefrwforieg of Segwim, orSeocum Raj#;
and ft comprehends-the-Iow lands at the foot-’ of #he Ludkidewar mountains.
Faro Pile is always considered as a person of high eminfenoe,
arid has his establishment of Zempi, Zoompoo®,^ Efoniei, Cullum*,
Zeenkaubs, Poes, and OyloBgs, as well as theiB’aebri&i mself.
The castle,* or. palace of Paro, known also by‘the appellation of
Parogong, Rinjipo, is constructed, and the «wrouriding. ground
laid out, more with a view to strength and^dsfohGej tfiaiy-any plaefel
have seen In- Bootan. It: stands near the base of a vierpW^Vj^abun-
tain s its foundation does not? decline with the, slppe-of therockjbut
the space it occupies, is fashioned to rfeceive it horizontally.' Its forah
is aafohfong squake; the outer wails of «the four kngtesvuieaF A10 top-
of them, sustain a range of projecting balednits, at nearly equal intermedia
te_ distances, which axe coveted by- the fir e»ves*tsbat projeot', as
usual, high above »pd beyond the walls, and are fenced with parapets
IS) ChiHum, a kind'orfnfeVior'SScfetatyi