aromatic woods; and on another ycssd wore buraiag, three long tapers,
of some perfumed compositwa, about the size of a reed,, The,room
was decorated withpifttoies of thçh- deities,;, aud iua.*.ces§, rufhe
further partvof-the roo®» were placed some idols, with lamps of pil
burning before the», the bone of a human skull lying immediately,®
front, aud:flpwe®s, foait. and grain, .scattered .botweg®:. boiflg
merely ceremonious, it will pe vmlnteresttti sto repeat ; what jpaM^4>
as it consisted of little more than compliments; and enquiries concern-
ing thé health of our respective masters. Our st%y V,we
walked away without ceremony v aod ?desèended by^ladderUp, thf
ground. ThisImitation is erected on .props, like that a1 GhjphacOttas
it exhibited no greater efforts of art , though something .more of khOBT
had been bestowed upon it. The lower part was enclosed on.aÿ sidçs,
and served as a.magaziué for merchandize and .lumber., I am at a }p£S
to account for the pse, or convenience, of this .method g£ building in
so hilly a country. In a low and marshy soil, the, advantages,-of a^i;
ficial elevation are obvious ; but where therç is little ..danpr fipm
noxious reptiles, or sudden torrents, I can- suggest fiQ,reasonable motive
for such a singularity.
I received notice on Tuesday the Lâth of May, -that the Soobah iii-
_ tended me.a visit in, the evening, to settle the plan for forwarding our
journey, and transporting our baggage ; but I was told, that he thought
it necessary, to wait ibr answers to the letters written todheDaeb Raja;
notifying our arrival at Ruxadewar, before we .eould . be permitted to
proceed, tie came after dinner, with ;his .attendants, to my tent. The
Zeenkaub sent by the Dae.b Raja to escort us, was with him, as well as
those two who had ^^ómpan’ie^taöïrétli’ÖiiisJ^c^e.' - iffie Had tnucl-1
olhveriktiWm respiting' oift^jirui^ té*(Êk-(kpïM |f p & :lèéj'ectrdus
were started, on kesount;of feptBin popukticés dffthd frontier.,. kid* the
consécpaeht difftcM;tysoï' ’caËêïê^e,tas elfe^iêÉri^/m^t^^éli^lyed» dia
men’s» töefcf; the-’ sfeepyies'sl5#tfemb'ihiteik#Md
not admitting the ifee^bftbiasts' o^b^teh'.44fh*l 'S&ob^h^fofosse'd
hinis'é,lf‘d(esi¥öusi bö t sébmed to
hint,' that it1 would” b e ^ fc lö f^ j^ o c u re asfeis«McltfFo ra# ^ Ja^ftal,
for' thé èèwëykhcé oV o^njgfc ‘
r ' Tlfostimpedmrefife v ^ e fP m fy ||^
my,afeappj>i'Htm&nt ^ ’finding’
niy joufnèy,' after I &a<ï akrëady”pas1Séd- SO nftJcfe tMè":at IbuMgpótó;
especially' as I had corn'd^cd 1 mirófeifSrli öft.'iflyi appsrételu ho 'thet©.!'^
and'^ec^véd his'.feiswervtd* my letters,wwtli Tmfoim rtioii, (Jüi*jie\f.'5 v
thtó^ should Mu'chviidbhtyi'feM^okfklieH -.fclfewdd’bts
tweeii' the Zeehkaufei, andi the'^èob^h?£.-;Iid.ï|.:nöfr exactly- know tire
purport öP itVfett I^üs^et’t'ednlSê^f^iFfo'4 feé to
blame/"«'ft endéd^sfoöWever, fÉ-ae,èeelkratï^to n ^ were
Servants of the Daebj thgy wemcrj®alt)''f^v.irf{5i"bkïbu‘i..ri^ljhh31liM
would etfëft’-alf the# powers t-o -serve: u»i-' It was atdfO^ffiï’a ^ ld ’dM
they should’ to th'e! sidfacêntï^lglVjfiièd asSemiïtïigdft^^Mhè ’
people* that cbuld'Be found. ’ The Soobah assured me, that if he could
nof sfend ‘alk with me,
^knd with" the ufcthbst dispatch,• s f i é f i f l s : ï c
About nóéufon'-ttó'ïfÉfö^&ghd^yHf&'-Sbéb^»ca'öré döv^tlwóUr
tents, I had giVèhhim hom^émk^Qst