which displayed a good suite of rooms, hoarded, and divided by doors
that turned on pivots. The eastern front next the river'had a commodious
balcony, which projected sufficiently to command a view of as
much of the valley as was visible from any one point, comprehending
all the . space from the bridge, far beyond the castle of Lam’ Ghassatopi
north: nor, on the south, could any thing pass the palace that was not
equally subject to our view, which was at length terminated by a very
handsome cluster of pines growing opposite to Wangoka, and narrowing
the valley-almost to a point.
To the south of the palace, on the. road by which we had * arrived at
it, we thought there was little worthy of our notice; our excursions
were therefore commonly directed up the valley; and during our residence
at Tassisudon, not an evening elapsed (unless when prevented
by rain) in which we omitted to walk.
The Raja’s stud of horses, which lay a short mile’ towards the north,
was one of the first objects that claimed our notice. It was well
stocked with a choice collection of domestic and Foreign cattle ; yet
the visitor, if he expects to find a breed of Arabs, Persians, or any of
the various casts of Toorkees, Tazees, or Magerines, so much esteemed
in.Hindostan, will be completely disappointed; but, in their stead,-he
will see the Tangun, a strong and active sort oFponey, which I have
already described, admirably adapted to the. country, and such as a
traveller will not hesitate to prefer, in these regions, to the most valuable
and beautiful of the species.
The Raja’s stud contained also a variety of mules and Tartar geldings
, both much esteemed for their docility and strength, which has conferred
nporF-them, a_ higher (price*,v and- aydecid.ecE, preference, with the
vopulent and thdja-ged. There were also .threesou.four fit handsome
Tborkey horses, which>*s.o,Hiehow or other lelJL.into , the, hands pf^the
Bootedasy during’their wai with, usj yipori^tlica frojnieiTli^y had
been brought, I was, ijnfonned.iffiwfcthd*. wav, «jjjDUluncotta,"the safest
passago-over theynpuntains- it is ffieir fa,te to
remain prisoners id.the sjjyi tftjJ,ui ab(ro id, toa beloadcd
witkfsupub trippings, ind to ict i' parym,some; nittyjfrocession ,
, Near this-spot, I was ^plcl, the- ^M^^^Eassi^uclof^was foimcrly
situate^;,* but about fifteen yens agojiluring tljej-ji-uuspicinpsk reign of
Daeb Jcedei, being consumed by hpo, jhc> apAffl rcSidei^eyvas jni'c'qO
se<tuence icmoved neater tbe.ccntie, byng thqUrUdcs^pad qf«the
valley.. ’
The lov^hilb.on which the palAce,^ OKa&idcncc, oFLambQhas^atoo
stands, is upon thejelt, and^ug long as, tf icyyla(sted-^wuwerq induced
to loiter away many an evening, in picking stTawhciij.es lidm its sides^-
wThiehygem clothed with thejn from its foubjio. the vidyduundathinsof'
the palace walls.; Thfe (yylpngSjpseafo.lbok at "us from the w ndows, 1
with amazement ;.,they, for, their patt<,; jioid thi^tleliffin fs*l i J:tle fruit in,
contempt, and abandon it to thos< »r 1 I . -S i h i 1 d ,, i 1 ti ir
spontaneous prpdp^ions of nature, foi |htgir, support. v The. species wo
here found, was.ippjntedkdQnical^ of a^ small sizc^hkc the alpine
strawberry ; rather spedy, and’.S | quite^o, high flavoured as* those!
that grow in the woods of-EngJ^dAn
We sometimes extended our walk, by,ascending, a path that skirted
an adjojning mountain: it was ffirnjed fry the side ollMrandaiKIj that