thé fböri ; an operation Which he quickly comprehended, > and rea^
dily lengthened or shortened “the tube until it suited his sight- He
looked through his glass, at a frontispiece to-ófae of the’numbers «of
Bell's British Theatre, Miss Young in the character of Artemisia,
and exclaimed with amazement, How small about therwaist, and
What a vast-circumfefghce below !'4 The impression was natural ; and
in general, the observations that he made indicated a shrewdness *t>f
apprehension, ,apd much sound judgment. Mr. ©avis had taken a
view of Buxadewar, which was laying onNfie table :*,thd Sepbaff was
instantly struck with it, and recognized all the différent parts .vpf?his
habitation; the beams, the. stairs, the pfepple* looking out at thq’windows,
and even;the packages that lay beneath- He stàicfwitbths till
the servants came to preparé for diimer. ’
I invited him to-dirie, to which he readily agreed. At table^ietatc
and drank as we did, without scruple; yet I siispfect his ürbaiiify might
incline, him tó suppress expressions of dislike, and to do ^n^hfgloice
to his taste; for beer andcteët Could hardly be agreeâble'-f^&palate,''
unaccustomed to such liquors ; he drank' o f them, however,'as welhas
Qf Madeira, and said he liked them much : he admired our bread, and
ate of it heartily. After dinner, in the way. of conversation, I mentioned
that we were desirous of going to'the top of an , adjacent' hill,
towards which 1 pointed” and asked him if there was tóy roa^t, . He
observed to me, that it was a consecrated place, and that he would
choose by all means to 'accompany us. * My-guns were standing in a
corner of the tent, and he expressed! some’ curio&ïtÿto look ât them.
out to^a bkmbq^,4feg^ei;eic|e4 ;Pin the sidgfcf th'e?hill, and hanging over
-Mr. Davis^sJiqtf^a^o-^v ..Them A vne fa sanguinary in their
dispositions,, .thes^were^ muEdersrtAmMqnld ..easily .pardon; for both
.these marauders ^^Gmsjderejd as mqrtabigneniieSj to the strings of raw
v^at^wfuch* itfTisjt(fhe«<cq|phbnfeusL()mto puJ^into rincds, amh lxing
|$^-t§i§ sun. tojtd^ijjj^o^pjBea vvludt^doc^MOj.^^npJctcIy.take .place,
b$fore;t$®ymeat ha^acqujred an^dqur^.extremel*y attractive,. to kites
and crows. Thft.ilo oba ht prop ©sqckfhing^at*ai*iji, and-ot^vas placed
< jp j| the .valley,. aMhijtee .hundred, ysajds(?dis,taije6. We, each 'shot twice?,,;
but without success; but mjius.ti(^turi1e.AoAib,-tt‘ rnnstjbe owned,
that, v^jp-fbe jpoktmy fow(ljng^iqce;|he^Ip|;mn|q tnffyj:han»'eitker
offls- When the sun wiis hqa-rJy, down..I^^mfedtjahhiitetn-walk: the
So.<dital%JqIlo.jvedj andoyeMent to. the . t©ph<i .IytphsMjim p that as I understood
him to havfebteennlatefe ill. I;wa^»prehensive .the .walk We
proposed- to take, .would Taiigurihimj tp'Oimw^dmd^teg&ihi-iherafore1,
hewould'noy.tFO'uble’jhinif.olhtii.jccorypapvus ,Mis answer was’cquaJK
polite and,1 attentive; nor could we .dissuade him- from- eseorting-qs,
and he. accordingly wentphumh td make som'eprep&^'atidhS, c? ,
Lwas told, thafctit was a,custom with^hu SobbaliUo ascsiid this hill
eyery mnpthfewhen he sets up a^whitp ^^^ndxperfprtdshsonic ichgt-
ous ceremonj|srt-Q, conciliate,thejiavour. of. a^DdW;fa^M5invisiM,eibeing,
the genius o f, the ip,lace, .who ,is» said ‘to .hteetvabqut. the jsummiif,, dls-
pepsing at his; yully good and e m o 'evei^ffiapg around!>hhi£.^irWas set tup ^a; flag igMoypand tE'did-^et^think it prudent'to giye
.offence byrefusing,to'.comply with.<their cuSt^^pkhoweyeji $bsnrd or
ridiculous f In;h^lf ah hqff# the spund <rf>thenowfeutc and; the trumpet
c A kind ofiettle-'drumj used only a¥ari*‘apif>endage of srltS’oyqiersons in’ aiitlioxify.'1